Author Index:



Allen, R.
203207Abstract Title: Integrating Ancient Submarine Arc - Back Arc Successions in Mining Provinces and Modern Eruptions: Evidence for the Nature of Submarine Felsic Pyroclastic Eruptions
Alvarez, M. Q. Sr.
202669Abstract Title: The trachytic lobe-hyaloclastite complex of the Caldera of Taburiente (La Palma, Canary Islands).
Anderson, M. O.
203197Abstract Title: Relationship between tectonism, volcanism, and hydrothermal venting along the Mariana back-arc spreading center between 12.7°N and 18.3°N
Andrews, G. D.
202445Abstract Title: Deciphering the Sources of Fine-Grained, Late Miocene Volcaniclastic Density Current Deposits in the Manji-Enpo Volcano-Bound Basin (Unit V, IODP Expedition 350 Site U1437 - Izu-Bonin Rear Arc): Insights from Shard and Crystal Geochemistry, SEM Petrography, XRF Core Scanning, and Shipboard Data.
Arato, H.
202456Abstract Title: Emplacement processes of channelized submarine lava flows composed of jumbled sheet flows and pillowed flows, inferred from the Middle Miocene Ogi Basalts, Japan.
Arculus, R. J.
18636Abstract Title: Modern: Volcanic Arcs and Back Arcs I, 18640Abstract Title: Modern: Volcanic Arcs and Back Arcs II, 18645Abstract Title: Modern: Volcanic Arcs and Back Arcs III, 18648Abstract Title: Volcanic Arcs and Back Arcs Posters, 202241Abstract Title: Submarine geology and geomorphology of active sub-Antarctic volcanoes: Heard and McDonald islands, 204149Abstract Title: Sources and processes driving the submarine magmatism of western Pacific arcs and backarcs
Arnulf, A. F.
203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount
Asimow, P. D.
202222Abstract Title: Explosive submarine volcanism during the penultimate deglaciation: New results from the Pacific Antarctic Ridge, 203261Abstract Title: Petrologic Controls on Explosive Eruptions from the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
Augustin, N.
202962Abstract Title: Young Volcanism on the "Dead" Abyssal Plain: How Little we Really Know About Submarine Intraplate Volcanism, 203072Abstract Title: Volcano Morphology and Explosive Eruptions in the Red Sea, 203119Abstract Title: Young lava flows on 20 Ma crust in the North Atlantic, 203197Abstract Title: Relationship between tectonism, volcanism, and hydrothermal venting along the Mariana back-arc spreading center between 12.7°N and 18.3°N


Bach, W.
202970Abstract Title: Subaqueous Cryptodome Eruption on the Andesitic North Su Volcano, 203362Abstract Title: Shallow Submarine, Non-emergent Eruptions Revisited: Constraining Eruption Dynamics from Sampling of Floating Lava Balloons and Proximal Deposit Facies Analysis. The 1998-2001 Serreta Eruption (Azores, Portugal)
Bai, Z.
203992Abstract Title: The formation of Dawengquan maar volcano of Longgang volcanic cluster of China
Baker, E. T.
203197Abstract Title: Relationship between tectonism, volcanism, and hydrothermal venting along the Mariana back-arc spreading center between 12.7°N and 18.3°N, 203269Abstract Title: Patterns of fine ash dispersal associated with ongoing submarine volcanic eruptions
Balcanoff, J. R.
202460Abstract Title: Tubular Nontronite-Bearing Hydrothermal Deposits from a Galápagos Seamount
Ballard, R. D.
202460Abstract Title: Tubular Nontronite-Bearing Hydrothermal Deposits from a Galápagos Seamount, 203060Abstract Title: Kolumbo Submarine Volcano serves as a Natural Laboratory in the active Hellenic Volcanic Arc
Baranov, B.
201709Abstract Title: Submarine Piip Volcano, Western Aleutian Arc: Temporal Evolution from Back-Arc Rift to Island-Arc Stratovolcano
Barker, A. K.
202270Abstract Title: Widespread (>100 km) Tephra from a Deep-Sea (>3000 mbsl) Eruption at the Cape Verde Archipelago, Central-East Atlantic Ocean
Barker, S. J.
203164Abstract Title: Comparisons and Contrasts Between Subaerial and Submarine Explosive Volcanic Processes: Case Studies From the Kermadec Arc, 203172Abstract Title: The Non-Explosive Generation of Pumiceous Material in Subaqueous Felsic Volcanism
Barnes, S. J.
203241Abstract Title: UAV Photogrammetry of Inflated Komatiite Flow Lobes and Submarine Debris Flows in an Archean Bimodal Volcanic Terrane, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Behn, M. D.
203266Abstract Title: Magmatism and Crustal Accretion Along the Global Ridge System
Beier, C.
203362Abstract Title: Shallow Submarine, Non-emergent Eruptions Revisited: Constraining Eruption Dynamics from Sampling of Floating Lava Balloons and Proximal Deposit Facies Analysis. The 1998-2001 Serreta Eruption (Azores, Portugal)
Bell, K. L. C.
203060Abstract Title: Kolumbo Submarine Volcano serves as a Natural Laboratory in the active Hellenic Volcanic Arc, 203355Abstract Title: Investigation of Undulating Seafloor Features on the Slopes of Large Subduction Zone Volcanoes
Binns, R. A.
202221Abstract Title: Deep-Seated Processes Govern Contrasted Eruption Styles at Felsic Submarine Neovolcanic Centres, Eastern Manus Back-Arc Basin (EMB), Papua New Guinea
Blischke, A.
203194Abstract Title: Seamounts and Oceanic Igneous Features in the Northeast Atlantic: A Link Between Plate Motions and Mantle Dynamics
Boetius, A.
202962Abstract Title: Young Volcanism on the "Dead" Abyssal Plain: How Little we Really Know About Submarine Intraplate Volcanism
Boettcher, M. S.
203092Abstract Title: Earthquake Stress Drop Before, During, and After the 2015 Eruption at Axial Seamount, 203107Abstract Title: Stressing Rate Changes Associated with the 2015 Axial Seamount Eruption, 203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount
Bohnenstiehl, D. R.
203037Abstract Title: Automatic Detection and Classification of Submarine Volcano Signals, 203092Abstract Title: Earthquake Stress Drop Before, During, and After the 2015 Eruption at Axial Seamount, 203107Abstract Title: Stressing Rate Changes Associated with the 2015 Axial Seamount Eruption, 203225Abstract Title: Submarine Eruption Dynamics, Revealed by Hydroacoustic Data at NW Rota-1, West Mata, and Axial Volcanoes, 203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount
Bowie, A. R.
202241Abstract Title: Submarine geology and geomorphology of active sub-Antarctic volcanoes: Heard and McDonald islands
Brown, S. R.
202445Abstract Title: Deciphering the Sources of Fine-Grained, Late Miocene Volcaniclastic Density Current Deposits in the Manji-Enpo Volcano-Bound Basin (Unit V, IODP Expedition 350 Site U1437 - Izu-Bonin Rear Arc): Insights from Shard and Crystal Geochemistry, SEM Petrography, XRF Core Scanning, and Shipboard Data.
Bryan, S. E.
203466Abstract Title: Eruptive Styles and Nature of the Volcanic Edifice Associated with the Solwara 1 Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposit, East Manus Basin, Bismarck Sea


Cahalan, R. C.
203082Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling of Pumice Clast Heat Transfer and Transport Dynamics in Subaqueous Eruptions
Caplan-Auerbach, J.
203225Abstract Title: Submarine Eruption Dynamics, Revealed by Hydroacoustic Data at NW Rota-1, West Mata, and Axial Volcanoes, 203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount
Caratori Tontini, F.
202847Abstract Title: The Colville Ridge: New Zealand’s ancient offshore arc and its role in present day Kermadec arc volcanism
Carbotte, S. M.
204023Abstract Title: A continuous 65 ka time series of magma compositions at the Juan de Fuca ridge from sediment-hosted volcanic glass
Caress, D. W.
203299Abstract Title: In-situ study of submarine volcanism using 1m-resolution AUV-based seafloor mapping with targeted lava and sediment sampling using ROVs, 203444Abstract Title: Examination of the Axial 2011 and 2015 lava flows from high-resolution AUV bathymetry and ROV dives
Carey, R.
18621Abstract Title: Official Welcome and Ceremony, 18636Abstract Title: Modern: Volcanic Arcs and Back Arcs I, 18640Abstract Title: Modern: Volcanic Arcs and Back Arcs II, 18645Abstract Title: Modern: Volcanic Arcs and Back Arcs III, 18648Abstract Title: Volcanic Arcs and Back Arcs Posters, 18652Abstract Title: Keynote: Dr. Adam Soule, 18682Abstract Title: Meeting Summary and Highlights, 18684Abstract Title: Closing Celebrations, 20591Abstract Title: Early Career Science Slam, 20596Abstract Title: Volcano Video Festival, 20597Abstract Title: Technology Showcase, 21374Abstract Title: Ice Breaker Reception, 21436Abstract Title: The Next Decade of Research in Submarine Volcanism: Open discussion - Opportunities and Multidisciplinary Interaction for the Scientific Goals of the Next Decade , 202241Abstract Title: Submarine geology and geomorphology of active sub-Antarctic volcanoes: Heard and McDonald islands, 202983Abstract Title: Partitioning pumice into rafts and submarine deposits during the 2012 eruption of Havre submarine volcano, 203113Abstract Title: Ash Generation During a Major Silicic Deep Marine Eruption, 203148Abstract Title: Oomurodashi Volcano: Overview of an Active Shallow Submarine Silicic Volcano in the Northern Izu-Bonin Arc, 203221Abstract Title: Scales of compositional heterogeneity in volcanic products of the 2012 eruption of Havre volcano, Kermadec arc, 203229Abstract Title: The Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Deep Submarine Silicic Lavas - Havre 2012 Eruption, 203291Abstract Title: Reconstructing the Evolution of the Submarine Havre Eruption, 2012: Insights from Vesicularity, Water Concentrations and Microtextural Analysis of Rhyolitic Glass, 203328Abstract Title: Rocks from the Cascade Seamount: An Archive of the Unzipping of Gondwana and the Initiation of the ACC?, 203454Abstract Title: Havre 2012 Submarine Eruption: The Role of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Morphology of a Silicic Lava Flow, 203456Abstract Title: Studland Bay Basalts, Cape Grim, Tasmania, Australia - A world class exposure of submarine basaltic lavas., 203548Abstract Title: Determining the conduit, eruption and pyroclast transport dynamics of silicic submarine eruptions: Havre 2012
Carey, S.
202460Abstract Title: Tubular Nontronite-Bearing Hydrothermal Deposits from a Galápagos Seamount, 203060Abstract Title: Kolumbo Submarine Volcano serves as a Natural Laboratory in the active Hellenic Volcanic Arc, 203355Abstract Title: Investigation of Undulating Seafloor Features on the Slopes of Large Subduction Zone Volcanoes
Cas, R. A.
203308Abstract Title: The Effects of Palaeoenvironment on Eruption Styles and Deposit Characteristics: Assessing Differences Between the Subaerial and Subaqueous Parts of the Late Devonian Boyd Volcanic Complex, NSW, Australia, and the Causes, 203310Abstract Title: Volcaniclastic Megaturbidites: the Footprint of Pyroclastic Flows Entering Bodies of Water
Casillas, R. Sr.
202669Abstract Title: The trachytic lobe-hyaloclastite complex of the Caldera of Taburiente (La Palma, Canary Islands).
Celli, N. L.
203194Abstract Title: Seamounts and Oceanic Igneous Features in the Northeast Atlantic: A Link Between Plate Motions and Mantle Dynamics
Chadwick, W.
18626Abstract Title: Modern: Mid-Ocean Ridges and Intraplatevolcanism I, 18631Abstract Title: Modern: Mid-Ocean Ridges and Intraplatevolcanism II, 18632Abstract Title: Modern: Mid-Ocean Ridges and Intraplatevolcanism III, 18633Abstract Title: Mid-ocean Ridge and Intraplate Posters, 18634Abstract Title: Keynote: Dr. Deb Kelley, 18671Abstract Title: The Next Decade of Research in Submarine Volcanism: Remote and Insitu Technologies to Facilitate Science in the Next Decade, 203134Abstract Title: Deformation Monitoring and the Magmatic Cycle at Axial Seamount, NE Pacific, 203225Abstract Title: Submarine Eruption Dynamics, Revealed by Hydroacoustic Data at NW Rota-1, West Mata, and Axial Volcanoes
Chadwick, W. W. Jr.
203037Abstract Title: Automatic Detection and Classification of Submarine Volcano Signals, 203197Abstract Title: Relationship between tectonism, volcanism, and hydrothermal venting along the Mariana back-arc spreading center between 12.7°N and 18.3°N, 203444Abstract Title: Examination of the Axial 2011 and 2015 lava flows from high-resolution AUV bathymetry and ROV dives
Chapman, T.
203186Abstract Title: Emplacement and Origin of Eocene and Oligocene Submarine Pyroclastic Flows of Boninite and Rhyodacite Composition in the Bonin Fore-arc, IODP Expedition 352
Chase, Z.
202241Abstract Title: Submarine geology and geomorphology of active sub-Antarctic volcanoes: Heard and McDonald islands
Chen, Z.
203992Abstract Title: The formation of Dawengquan maar volcano of Longgang volcanic cluster of China
Clague, D. A.
203075Abstract Title: Mixing and hybridization in basalt-to-rhyolite magmatism on an intermediate spreading mid-ocean ridge, Alarcon Rise, EPR., 203256Abstract Title: Degassing and Vesiculation during the 2011 eruption of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge, 203299Abstract Title: In-situ study of submarine volcanism using 1m-resolution AUV-based seafloor mapping with targeted lava and sediment sampling using ROVs, 203444Abstract Title: Examination of the Axial 2011 and 2015 lava flows from high-resolution AUV bathymetry and ROV dives, 203515Abstract Title: Volcaniclastic deposits on the mid-ocean ridge provide evidence for explosive magma fragmentation, lava flow disaggregation, mass-wasting and pelagic transport processes, 203520Abstract Title: Morphological variability of the top of large inflated pillow mounds: indication about eruptive processes
Coffin, M. F.
202241Abstract Title: Submarine geology and geomorphology of active sub-Antarctic volcanoes: Heard and McDonald islands
Colman, A.
Conway, C.
203221Abstract Title: Scales of compositional heterogeneity in volcanic products of the 2012 eruption of Havre volcano, Kermadec arc
Cooke, F.
202241Abstract Title: Submarine geology and geomorphology of active sub-Antarctic volcanoes: Heard and McDonald islands
Cornell, W. C.
202460Abstract Title: Tubular Nontronite-Bearing Hydrothermal Deposits from a Galápagos Seamount
Costa, K.
203271Abstract Title: Spatial Patterns of Hydrothermal Deposition on the Juan de Fuca Ridge over the Past 500,000 years, 204023Abstract Title: A continuous 65 ka time series of magma compositions at the Juan de Fuca ridge from sediment-hosted volcanic glass
Cousens, B.
202847Abstract Title: The Colville Ridge: New Zealand’s ancient offshore arc and its role in present day Kermadec arc volcanism
Cox, G. M.
202449Abstract Title: Assessing the Level of Volcanic Hazard and Risk from Volcanoes in Remote Localities
Crowhurst, P. V.
203466Abstract Title: Eruptive Styles and Nature of the Volcanic Edifice Associated with the Solwara 1 Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposit, East Manus Basin, Bismarck Sea
Cumming, G. V.
203553Abstract Title: Geochronology and Geochemistry of Complex Ancient Volcanic Sequences in Western Tasmania


Dadd, K. A.
203365Abstract Title: Characteristics of a Seamount Apron in the South China Sea, Hole U1431E, IODP Expedition 349
Darin, M. H.
203289Abstract Title: Miocene Intra-Continental, Shallow, Subaqueous Volcanism in Verde Valley, Arizona, USA – A Permanent Record of a Temporary Lake
de Ronde, C. E. J.
202847Abstract Title: The Colville Ridge: New Zealand’s ancient offshore arc and its role in present day Kermadec arc volcanism, 203315Abstract Title: Exploration of Intraoceanic Arc Seafloor Hydrothermal Systems: What do we Know?
Dering, G.
203241Abstract Title: UAV Photogrammetry of Inflated Komatiite Flow Lobes and Submarine Debris Flows in an Archean Bimodal Volcanic Terrane, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia
Devey, C. W.
202962Abstract Title: Young Volcanism on the "Dead" Abyssal Plain: How Little we Really Know About Submarine Intraplate Volcanism, 203072Abstract Title: Volcano Morphology and Explosive Eruptions in the Red Sea, 203119Abstract Title: Young lava flows on 20 Ma crust in the North Atlantic, 203273Abstract Title: Explosive emplacement of pyroclastic rocks containig abraded gabbro xenoliths at 3600 m water depth at Charles Darwin Volcanic Field, Cape Verde
Di Giacomo, D.
203285Abstract Title: Seismic swarm activity at spreading centers in the southern Red Sea, Afar and Gulf of Aden
Diaz-Naveas, J.
203274Abstract Title: Rapid transition from shield to post-erosional volcanism at O’Higgins guyot, Juan Fernández Ridge, Pacific SE
Dreyer, B. M.
203075Abstract Title: Mixing and hybridization in basalt-to-rhyolite magmatism on an intermediate spreading mid-ocean ridge, Alarcon Rise, EPR., 203299Abstract Title: In-situ study of submarine volcanism using 1m-resolution AUV-based seafloor mapping with targeted lava and sediment sampling using ROVs, 203444Abstract Title: Examination of the Axial 2011 and 2015 lava flows from high-resolution AUV bathymetry and ROV dives, 203515Abstract Title: Volcaniclastic deposits on the mid-ocean ridge provide evidence for explosive magma fragmentation, lava flow disaggregation, mass-wasting and pelagic transport processes
Dufek, J.
203082Abstract Title: Numerical Modeling of Pumice Clast Heat Transfer and Transport Dynamics in Subaqueous Eruptions
Dunn, R. A.
203158Abstract Title: Leveraging data from multidisciplinary studies to produce submarine geologic maps: the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Rainbow region and the Eastern Lau Backarc Basin
Dyriw, N. J.
203466Abstract Title: Eruptive Styles and Nature of the Volcanic Edifice Associated with the Solwara 1 Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposit, East Manus Basin, Bismarck Sea
Dziak, R. P.
202182Abstract Title: Observations of submarine volcanism from 25 years of global hydrophone deployments, 203037Abstract Title: Automatic Detection and Classification of Submarine Volcano Signals, 203225Abstract Title: Submarine Eruption Dynamics, Revealed by Hydroacoustic Data at NW Rota-1, West Mata, and Axial Volcanoes, 203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount


Eason, D. E.
203158Abstract Title: Leveraging data from multidisciplinary studies to produce submarine geologic maps: the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Rainbow region and the Eastern Lau Backarc Basin
Eisele, S.
202270Abstract Title: Widespread (>100 km) Tephra from a Deep-Sea (>3000 mbsl) Eruption at the Cape Verde Archipelago, Central-East Atlantic Ocean
Embley, R. W.
18652Abstract Title: Keynote: Dr. Adam Soule


Fauria, K.
202983Abstract Title: Partitioning pumice into rafts and submarine deposits during the 2012 eruption of Havre submarine volcano, 203032Abstract Title: Trapped bubbles keep pumice afloat and gas diffusion makes pumice sink
Ferguson, D.
204023Abstract Title: A continuous 65 ka time series of magma compositions at the Juan de Fuca ridge from sediment-hosted volcanic glass
Fernandez, C.
202669Abstract Title: The trachytic lobe-hyaloclastite complex of the Caldera of Taburiente (La Palma, Canary Islands).
Fernández Salas, L. M.
202199Abstract Title: The eruption of the submarine volcano Tagoro at the island of El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain: 5 years registering physical-chemical anomalies, 202729Abstract Title: Geomorphological Analysis of the Underwater Tagoro Volcano (Submarine Slope of El Hierro Island), 203061Abstract Title: Evolution of Seabed Mesoforms in Tagoro Volcano (submarine slope of El Hierro Island)
Ferreira, P.
203362Abstract Title: Shallow Submarine, Non-emergent Eruptions Revisited: Constraining Eruption Dynamics from Sampling of Floating Lava Balloons and Proximal Deposit Facies Analysis. The 1998-2001 Serreta Eruption (Azores, Portugal)
Fink, J. H.
203325Abstract Title: Laboratory Simulations of Submarine Lava Flow Morphology: A Quarter Century of Progress
Fornari, D. J.
18675Abstract Title: The Next Decade of Research in Submarine Q&A Panel Discussion, 202975Abstract Title: Submarine Snapshots of Galápagos Magmatism, 203147Abstract Title: Seamount Calderas and Craters- Keys to Submarine Magmatic and Volcanic Processes
Fox, J. M.
202241Abstract Title: Submarine geology and geomorphology of active sub-Antarctic volcanoes: Heard and McDonald islands, 203328Abstract Title: Rocks from the Cascade Seamount: An Archive of the Unzipping of Gondwana and the Initiation of the ACC?, 203456Abstract Title: Studland Bay Basalts, Cape Grim, Tasmania, Australia - A world class exposure of submarine basaltic lavas.
Fraile-Nuez, E.
202199Abstract Title: The eruption of the submarine volcano Tagoro at the island of El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain: 5 years registering physical-chemical anomalies, 202215Abstract Title: Use of ORP and pH sensors in two-yo studies to map redox and acid-base anomalies in the seawater properties due to hydrothermal activity in shallow areas, 202729Abstract Title: Geomorphological Analysis of the Underwater Tagoro Volcano (Submarine Slope of El Hierro Island), 203061Abstract Title: Evolution of Seabed Mesoforms in Tagoro Volcano (submarine slope of El Hierro Island)
Frery, E.
203368Abstract Title: Characterising the Magmatic Activity of the Bight Basin Igneous Complex of the Australian Southern Margin.
Freundt, A.
202270Abstract Title: Widespread (>100 km) Tephra from a Deep-Sea (>3000 mbsl) Eruption at the Cape Verde Archipelago, Central-East Atlantic Ocean, 203273Abstract Title: Explosive emplacement of pyroclastic rocks containig abraded gabbro xenoliths at 3600 m water depth at Charles Darwin Volcanic Field, Cape Verde
Fujibayashi, N.
202456Abstract Title: Emplacement processes of channelized submarine lava flows composed of jumbled sheet flows and pillowed flows, inferred from the Middle Miocene Ogi Basalts, Japan.
Fujii, M.
203233Abstract Title: Geophysical investigation of basalt- to rhyolite-hosted hydrothermal fields in arc and back-arc regions of the Okinawa Trough


Gaina, C.
203194Abstract Title: Seamounts and Oceanic Igneous Features in the Northeast Atlantic: A Link Between Plate Motions and Mantle Dynamics
Garcia, C.
203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount
Gardner, J. E.
203181Abstract Title: Eruption Dynamics on the Global Mid-Ocean Ridge System
Garthwaite, M. C.
202449Abstract Title: Assessing the Level of Volcanic Hazard and Risk from Volcanoes in Remote Localities
Geissler, W. H.
203194Abstract Title: Seamounts and Oceanic Igneous Features in the Northeast Atlantic: A Link Between Plate Motions and Mantle Dynamics
Geshi, N.
203067Abstract Title: Submarine volcanic chain as an indicator of long distance lateral magma transport at oceanic island arc volcano
Giordano, G.
Giosan, L.
203271Abstract Title: Spatial Patterns of Hydrothermal Deposition on the Juan de Fuca Ridge over the Past 500,000 years
Gómez-Ballesteros, M.
202199Abstract Title: The eruption of the submarine volcano Tagoro at the island of El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain: 5 years registering physical-chemical anomalies, 202729Abstract Title: Geomorphological Analysis of the Underwater Tagoro Volcano (Submarine Slope of El Hierro Island), 203061Abstract Title: Evolution of Seabed Mesoforms in Tagoro Volcano (submarine slope of El Hierro Island)
Gonnermann, H.
203181Abstract Title: Eruption Dynamics on the Global Mid-Ocean Ridge System, 203256Abstract Title: Degassing and Vesiculation during the 2011 eruption of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge
González-Dávila, M.
202199Abstract Title: The eruption of the submarine volcano Tagoro at the island of El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain: 5 years registering physical-chemical anomalies, 202215Abstract Title: Use of ORP and pH sensors in two-yo studies to map redox and acid-base anomalies in the seawater properties due to hydrothermal activity in shallow areas, 202729Abstract Title: Geomorphological Analysis of the Underwater Tagoro Volcano (Submarine Slope of El Hierro Island), 203061Abstract Title: Evolution of Seabed Mesoforms in Tagoro Volcano (submarine slope of El Hierro Island)
Graham, D. W.
202341Abstract Title: Contrasts in Dissolved CO2 and Bubbles Between MORB and Submarine Flood Basalts: Insights into the Duration, Scale and Style of Lava Emplacement
Gregg, P. M.
203147Abstract Title: Seamount Calderas and Craters- Keys to Submarine Magmatic and Volcanic Processes
Gregg, T. K. P.
203325Abstract Title: Laboratory Simulations of Submarine Lava Flow Morphology: A Quarter Century of Progress, 203503Abstract Title: Laboratory, field, and numerical approaches to interpreting submarine lava flow morphologies: Where we are, where we want to be, and how to get there
Greinert, J.
202962Abstract Title: Young Volcanism on the "Dead" Abyssal Plain: How Little we Really Know About Submarine Intraplate Volcanism
Grevemeyer, I.
202270Abstract Title: Widespread (>100 km) Tephra from a Deep-Sea (>3000 mbsl) Eruption at the Cape Verde Archipelago, Central-East Atlantic Ocean
Griffin, J.
202449Abstract Title: Assessing the Level of Volcanic Hazard and Risk from Volcanoes in Remote Localities
Griffiths, R. W.
203325Abstract Title: Laboratory Simulations of Submarine Lava Flow Morphology: A Quarter Century of Progress
Gust, D. A.
203466Abstract Title: Eruptive Styles and Nature of the Volcanic Edifice Associated with the Solwara 1 Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposit, East Manus Basin, Bismarck Sea


Haney, M. M.
203037Abstract Title: Automatic Detection and Classification of Submarine Volcano Signals
Hannington, M. D.
203197Abstract Title: Relationship between tectonism, volcanism, and hydrothermal venting along the Mariana back-arc spreading center between 12.7°N and 18.3°N
Hansteen, T. H.
202270Abstract Title: Widespread (>100 km) Tephra from a Deep-Sea (>3000 mbsl) Eruption at the Cape Verde Archipelago, Central-East Atlantic Ocean, 203273Abstract Title: Explosive emplacement of pyroclastic rocks containig abraded gabbro xenoliths at 3600 m water depth at Charles Darwin Volcanic Field, Cape Verde
Hauff, F.
201709Abstract Title: Submarine Piip Volcano, Western Aleutian Arc: Temporal Evolution from Back-Arc Rift to Island-Arc Stratovolcano
Hayman, P.
203466Abstract Title: Eruptive Styles and Nature of the Volcanic Edifice Associated with the Solwara 1 Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposit, East Manus Basin, Bismarck Sea
Helo, C.
203515Abstract Title: Volcaniclastic deposits on the mid-ocean ridge provide evidence for explosive magma fragmentation, lava flow disaggregation, mass-wasting and pelagic transport processes
Hensch, M.
203276Abstract Title: Oblique rift opening and graben reactivation revealed by reoccurring magma intrusions in central Iceland
Herrero, T. M. L.
203119Abstract Title: Young lava flows on 20 Ma crust in the North Atlantic
Hoernle, K.
201709Abstract Title: Submarine Piip Volcano, Western Aleutian Arc: Temporal Evolution from Back-Arc Rift to Island-Arc Stratovolcano
Hollis, J.
203672Abstract Title: Ancient subaqueous successions in the Hart-Carson LIP, north Western Australia
Hosoi, J.
203044Abstract Title: Submarine Lava-fountain Eruptions in the Back-arc Basin during Opening of the Japan Sea
Hosseini, B.
202983Abstract Title: Partitioning pumice into rafts and submarine deposits during the 2012 eruption of Havre submarine volcano
Houghton, B. F.
203291Abstract Title: Reconstructing the Evolution of the Submarine Havre Eruption, 2012: Insights from Vesicularity, Water Concentrations and Microtextural Analysis of Rhyolitic Glass
Hughes, A.
203308Abstract Title: The Effects of Palaeoenvironment on Eruption Styles and Deposit Characteristics: Assessing Differences Between the Subaerial and Subaqueous Parts of the Late Devonian Boyd Volcanic Complex, NSW, Australia, and the Causes
Huybers, P. J.
203271Abstract Title: Spatial Patterns of Hydrothermal Deposition on the Juan de Fuca Ridge over the Past 500,000 years, 204023Abstract Title: A continuous 65 ka time series of magma compositions at the Juan de Fuca ridge from sediment-hosted volcanic glass


Ikegami, F.
203148Abstract Title: Oomurodashi Volcano: Overview of an Active Shallow Submarine Silicic Volcano in the Northern Izu-Bonin Arc, 203229Abstract Title: The Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Deep Submarine Silicic Lavas - Havre 2012 Eruption
Ishizuka, O.
203067Abstract Title: Submarine volcanic chain as an indicator of long distance lateral magma transport at oceanic island arc volcano, 203148Abstract Title: Oomurodashi Volcano: Overview of an Active Shallow Submarine Silicic Volcano in the Northern Izu-Bonin Arc


Johnson, S. C.
203328Abstract Title: Rocks from the Cascade Seamount: An Archive of the Unzipping of Gondwana and the Initiation of the ACC?
Jones, M.
202975Abstract Title: Submarine Snapshots of Galápagos Magmatism, 203181Abstract Title: Eruption Dynamics on the Global Mid-Ocean Ridge System, 203256Abstract Title: Degassing and Vesiculation during the 2011 eruption of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge
Jonsson, S.
203276Abstract Title: Oblique rift opening and graben reactivation revealed by reoccurring magma intrusions in central Iceland, 203285Abstract Title: Seismic swarm activity at spreading centers in the southern Red Sea, Afar and Gulf of Aden
Juniper, K.
203202Abstract Title: Quantitative Surface Evolution of Hydrothermal Edifices at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge
Jutzeler, M.
203310Abstract Title: Volcaniclastic Megaturbidites: the Footprint of Pyroclastic Flows Entering Bodies of Water


Kaess, A. B.
202445Abstract Title: Deciphering the Sources of Fine-Grained, Late Miocene Volcaniclastic Density Current Deposits in the Manji-Enpo Volcano-Bound Basin (Unit V, IODP Expedition 350 Site U1437 - Izu-Bonin Rear Arc): Insights from Shard and Crystal Geochemistry, SEM Petrography, XRF Core Scanning, and Shipboard Data.
Kars, M. A. C.
202445Abstract Title: Deciphering the Sources of Fine-Grained, Late Miocene Volcaniclastic Density Current Deposits in the Manji-Enpo Volcano-Bound Basin (Unit V, IODP Expedition 350 Site U1437 - Izu-Bonin Rear Arc): Insights from Shard and Crystal Geochemistry, SEM Petrography, XRF Core Scanning, and Shipboard Data.
Kataoka, K. S.
202358Abstract Title: Rhyolite Magma Intrusion into Subaqueous Unconsolidated Sediments: Facies, Structures and Formation Processes, 202456Abstract Title: Emplacement processes of channelized submarine lava flows composed of jumbled sheet flows and pillowed flows, inferred from the Middle Miocene Ogi Basalts, Japan.
Kawanabe, Y.
203067Abstract Title: Submarine volcanic chain as an indicator of long distance lateral magma transport at oceanic island arc volcano
Keir, D.
203285Abstract Title: Seismic swarm activity at spreading centers in the southern Red Sea, Afar and Gulf of Aden
Kelley, D. S.
203202Abstract Title: Quantitative Surface Evolution of Hydrothermal Edifices at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, 203349Abstract Title: Bringing Underwater Volcanoes, Hot Springs, and the Life That They Host Directly Into Your Living Rooms Live 24/7, 203532Abstract Title: An Advanced Submarine Cabled Observatory on Axial Seamount: Real-time Interaction with an Active Underwater Volcano Through the Internet
Kelley, K. A.
202460Abstract Title: Tubular Nontronite-Bearing Hydrothermal Deposits from a Galápagos Seamount
Kempton, R.
203368Abstract Title: Characterising the Magmatic Activity of the Bight Basin Igneous Complex of the Australian Southern Margin.
Kilias, S.
203060Abstract Title: Kolumbo Submarine Volcano serves as a Natural Laboratory in the active Hellenic Volcanic Arc
Kimbell, G. S.
203194Abstract Title: Seamounts and Oceanic Igneous Features in the Northeast Atlantic: A Link Between Plate Motions and Mantle Dynamics
King, P. L.
Kirchenbaur, M.
203186Abstract Title: Emplacement and Origin of Eocene and Oligocene Submarine Pyroclastic Flows of Boninite and Rhyodacite Composition in the Bonin Fore-arc, IODP Expedition 352
Kluegel, A.
203362Abstract Title: Shallow Submarine, Non-emergent Eruptions Revisited: Constraining Eruption Dynamics from Sampling of Floating Lava Balloons and Proximal Deposit Facies Analysis. The 1998-2001 Serreta Eruption (Azores, Portugal)
Koppers, A. A. P.
203365Abstract Title: Characteristics of a Seamount Apron in the South China Sea, Hole U1431E, IODP Expedition 349
Kueppers, U.
203362Abstract Title: Shallow Submarine, Non-emergent Eruptions Revisited: Constraining Eruption Dynamics from Sampling of Floating Lava Balloons and Proximal Deposit Facies Analysis. The 1998-2001 Serreta Eruption (Azores, Portugal)
Kurz, W.
203186Abstract Title: Emplacement and Origin of Eocene and Oligocene Submarine Pyroclastic Flows of Boninite and Rhyodacite Composition in the Bonin Fore-arc, IODP Expedition 352
Kutterolf, S.
202270Abstract Title: Widespread (>100 km) Tephra from a Deep-Sea (>3000 mbsl) Eruption at the Cape Verde Archipelago, Central-East Atlantic Ocean, 203186Abstract Title: Emplacement and Origin of Eocene and Oligocene Submarine Pyroclastic Flows of Boninite and Rhyodacite Composition in the Bonin Fore-arc, IODP Expedition 352, 203273Abstract Title: Explosive emplacement of pyroclastic rocks containig abraded gabbro xenoliths at 3600 m water depth at Charles Darwin Volcanic Field, Cape Verde
Kwasnitschka, T.
202270Abstract Title: Widespread (>100 km) Tephra from a Deep-Sea (>3000 mbsl) Eruption at the Cape Verde Archipelago, Central-East Atlantic Ocean, 203202Abstract Title: Quantitative Surface Evolution of Hydrothermal Edifices at the Endeavour Segment, Juan de Fuca Ridge, 203273Abstract Title: Explosive emplacement of pyroclastic rocks containig abraded gabbro xenoliths at 3600 m water depth at Charles Darwin Volcanic Field, Cape Verde


Langmuir, C. H.
203271Abstract Title: Spatial Patterns of Hydrothermal Deposition on the Juan de Fuca Ridge over the Past 500,000 years, 204023Abstract Title: A continuous 65 ka time series of magma compositions at the Juan de Fuca ridge from sediment-hosted volcanic glass
Lara, L. E. E.
203274Abstract Title: Rapid transition from shield to post-erosional volcanism at O’Higgins guyot, Juan Fernández Ridge, Pacific SE
Lavelle, J. W.
203189Abstract Title: Circulation, hydrography, and transport over the summit of Axial, a deep volcano in the Northeast Pacific
Le Losq, C.
Le Roux, V.
203256Abstract Title: Degassing and Vesiculation during the 2011 eruption of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge
Le Saout, M.
203444Abstract Title: Examination of the Axial 2011 and 2015 lava flows from high-resolution AUV bathymetry and ROV dives
Le Saout, M.
203520Abstract Title: Morphological variability of the top of large inflated pillow mounds: indication about eruptive processes
Lebedev, S.
203194Abstract Title: Seamounts and Oceanic Igneous Features in the Northeast Atlantic: A Link Between Plate Motions and Mantle Dynamics
Lee, R.
Levy, S. R.
203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount
Lewis, M.
203261Abstract Title: Petrologic Controls on Explosive Eruptions from the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
Li, Y.
204023Abstract Title: A continuous 65 ka time series of magma compositions at the Juan de Fuca ridge from sediment-hosted volcanic glass
López-González, N.
202199Abstract Title: The eruption of the submarine volcano Tagoro at the island of El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain: 5 years registering physical-chemical anomalies, 202729Abstract Title: Geomorphological Analysis of the Underwater Tagoro Volcano (Submarine Slope of El Hierro Island), 203061Abstract Title: Evolution of Seabed Mesoforms in Tagoro Volcano (submarine slope of El Hierro Island)
Lubetkin, M.
202460Abstract Title: Tubular Nontronite-Bearing Hydrothermal Deposits from a Galápagos Seamount
Lucieer, V.
202241Abstract Title: Submarine geology and geomorphology of active sub-Antarctic volcanoes: Heard and McDonald islands
Lund, D. C.
202222Abstract Title: Explosive submarine volcanism during the penultimate deglaciation: New results from the Pacific Antarctic Ridge, 203261Abstract Title: Petrologic Controls on Explosive Eruptions from the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge
Lyons, J. J.
203037Abstract Title: Automatic Detection and Classification of Submarine Volcano Signals
Lytle, M. L.
203278Abstract Title: Major and trace element and isotopic constraints on magma systematics in lavas from the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center


Manga, M.
202983Abstract Title: Partitioning pumice into rafts and submarine deposits during the 2012 eruption of Havre submarine volcano, 203032Abstract Title: Trapped bubbles keep pumice afloat and gas diffusion makes pumice sink, 204142Abstract Title: Interaction of pyroclastic density currents with water  
Mann, M. E.
203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount
Martin, T.
202241Abstract Title: Submarine geology and geomorphology of active sub-Antarctic volcanoes: Heard and McDonald islands
Martinez, F.
203158Abstract Title: Leveraging data from multidisciplinary studies to produce submarine geologic maps: the Mid-Atlantic Ridge Rainbow region and the Eastern Lau Backarc Basin
Maruyama, T.
202456Abstract Title: Emplacement processes of channelized submarine lava flows composed of jumbled sheet flows and pillowed flows, inferred from the Middle Miocene Ogi Basalts, Japan.
McIntosh, I. M.
203148Abstract Title: Oomurodashi Volcano: Overview of an Active Shallow Submarine Silicic Volcano in the Northern Izu-Bonin Arc, 203154Abstract Title: Unravelling H2O Contents of Glassy Volcaniclastics Recovered During Drilling in the Izu-Bonin Mariana Arc: Implications for Eruption Environment, 203291Abstract Title: Reconstructing the Evolution of the Submarine Havre Eruption, 2012: Insights from Vesicularity, Water Concentrations and Microtextural Analysis of Rhyolitic Glass
McManus, J. F.
203271Abstract Title: Spatial Patterns of Hydrothermal Deposition on the Juan de Fuca Ridge over the Past 500,000 years, 204023Abstract Title: A continuous 65 ka time series of magma compositions at the Juan de Fuca ridge from sediment-hosted volcanic glass
McPhie, J.
203219Abstract Title: Characteristics and Origin of the Havre 2012 Giant Pumice, 203229Abstract Title: The Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Deep Submarine Silicic Lavas - Havre 2012 Eruption, 203456Abstract Title: Studland Bay Basalts, Cape Grim, Tasmania, Australia - A world class exposure of submarine basaltic lavas.
Melchior, C.
202962Abstract Title: Young Volcanism on the "Dead" Abyssal Plain: How Little we Really Know About Submarine Intraplate Volcanism
Merle, S. G.
203197Abstract Title: Relationship between tectonism, volcanism, and hydrothermal venting along the Mariana back-arc spreading center between 12.7°N and 18.3°N
Michael, P. J.
202341Abstract Title: Contrasts in Dissolved CO2 and Bubbles Between MORB and Submarine Flood Basalts: Insights into the Duration, Scale and Style of Lava Emplacement
Middleton, J. L.
203271Abstract Title: Spatial Patterns of Hydrothermal Deposition on the Juan de Fuca Ridge over the Past 500,000 years
Miller, V.
202449Abstract Title: Assessing the Level of Volcanic Hazard and Risk from Volcanoes in Remote Localities
Mitchell, S. J.
203291Abstract Title: Reconstructing the Evolution of the Submarine Havre Eruption, 2012: Insights from Vesicularity, Water Concentrations and Microtextural Analysis of Rhyolitic Glass
Mole, D. R.
203241Abstract Title: UAV Photogrammetry of Inflated Komatiite Flow Lobes and Submarine Debris Flows in an Archean Bimodal Volcanic Terrane, Yilgarn Craton, Western Australia, 203368Abstract Title: Characterising the Magmatic Activity of the Bight Basin Igneous Complex of the Australian Southern Margin.
Moyer, P. A.
203092Abstract Title: Earthquake Stress Drop Before, During, and After the 2015 Eruption at Axial Seamount, 203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount
Mukhopadhyay, S.
203271Abstract Title: Spatial Patterns of Hydrothermal Deposition on the Juan de Fuca Ridge over the Past 500,000 years
Mundana, R.
203229Abstract Title: The Effects of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Deep Submarine Silicic Lavas - Havre 2012 Eruption, 203328Abstract Title: Rocks from the Cascade Seamount: An Archive of the Unzipping of Gondwana and the Initiation of the ACC?, 203454Abstract Title: Havre 2012 Submarine Eruption: The Role of Hydrostatic Pressure on the Morphology of a Silicic Lava Flow
Murch, A. P.
203113Abstract Title: Ash Generation During a Major Silicic Deep Marine Eruption


Nagahashi, Y.
202358Abstract Title: Rhyolite Magma Intrusion into Subaqueous Unconsolidated Sediments: Facies, Structures and Formation Processes
Nalley, H.
21433Abstract Title: Registration
Navarro, J. R. C. Sr.
202669Abstract Title: The trachytic lobe-hyaloclastite complex of the Caldera of Taburiente (La Palma, Canary Islands).
Nichols, A. R.
203148Abstract Title: Oomurodashi Volcano: Overview of an Active Shallow Submarine Silicic Volcano in the Northern Izu-Bonin Arc, 203154Abstract Title: Unravelling H2O Contents of Glassy Volcaniclastics Recovered During Drilling in the Izu-Bonin Mariana Arc: Implications for Eruption Environment
Nomikou, P.
203060Abstract Title: Kolumbo Submarine Volcano serves as a Natural Laboratory in the active Hellenic Volcanic Arc, 203355Abstract Title: Investigation of Undulating Seafloor Features on the Slopes of Large Subduction Zone Volcanoes
Nooner, S. L.
203134Abstract Title: Deformation Monitoring and the Magmatic Cycle at Axial Seamount, NE Pacific


Ogitsu, I.
203067Abstract Title: Submarine volcanic chain as an indicator of long distance lateral magma transport at oceanic island arc volcano
Ogubazghi, G.
203285Abstract Title: Seismic swarm activity at spreading centers in the southern Red Sea, Afar and Gulf of Aden
Oikawa, T.
203067Abstract Title: Submarine volcanic chain as an indicator of long distance lateral magma transport at oceanic island arc volcano
Okino, K.
203233Abstract Title: Geophysical investigation of basalt- to rhyolite-hosted hydrothermal fields in arc and back-arc regions of the Okinawa Trough
Orozco, G.
203274Abstract Title: Rapid transition from shield to post-erosional volcanism at O’Higgins guyot, Juan Fernández Ridge, Pacific SE
Orth, K.
203672Abstract Title: Ancient subaqueous successions in the Hart-Carson LIP, north Western Australia
Orth, K.
18654Abstract Title: Integrating ancient and modern and numerical/experimental approaches I, 18659Abstract Title: Integrating ancient and modern and numerical/experimental approaches II, 18663Abstract Title: Integrating ancient and modern and numerical/experimental approaches III, 18664Abstract Title: Integrating Ancient & Modern, Numerical, and Experimental Approaches Posters, 18666Abstract Title: Keynote: Dr. Comel de Ronde, 18678Abstract Title: The Next Decade of Research in Submarine Volcanism:Integrating Modern/Ancient Studies


Paduan, J. B.
203299Abstract Title: In-situ study of submarine volcanism using 1m-resolution AUV-based seafloor mapping with targeted lava and sediment sampling using ROVs, 203444Abstract Title: Examination of the Axial 2011 and 2015 lava flows from high-resolution AUV bathymetry and ROV dives, 203515Abstract Title: Volcaniclastic deposits on the mid-ocean ridge provide evidence for explosive magma fragmentation, lava flow disaggregation, mass-wasting and pelagic transport processes, 203520Abstract Title: Morphological variability of the top of large inflated pillow mounds: indication about eruptive processes
Palm, A. B.
Palomino, D.
202199Abstract Title: The eruption of the submarine volcano Tagoro at the island of El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain: 5 years registering physical-chemical anomalies, 202729Abstract Title: Geomorphological Analysis of the Underwater Tagoro Volcano (Submarine Slope of El Hierro Island), 203061Abstract Title: Evolution of Seabed Mesoforms in Tagoro Volcano (submarine slope of El Hierro Island)
Parr, J. M.
203368Abstract Title: Characterising the Magmatic Activity of the Bight Basin Igneous Complex of the Australian Southern Margin.
Perfit, M. R.
203147Abstract Title: Seamount Calderas and Craters- Keys to Submarine Magmatic and Volcanic Processes
Pestana, J. D. L. N. Sr.
202669Abstract Title: The trachytic lobe-hyaloclastite complex of the Caldera of Taburiente (La Palma, Canary Islands).
Phillips, C.
203672Abstract Title: Ancient subaqueous successions in the Hart-Carson LIP, north Western Australia
Picard, A.
203368Abstract Title: Characterising the Magmatic Activity of the Bight Basin Igneous Complex of the Australian Southern Margin.
Plunkett, S.
203466Abstract Title: Eruptive Styles and Nature of the Volcanic Edifice Associated with the Solwara 1 Seafloor Massive Sulfide Deposit, East Manus Basin, Bismarck Sea
Polymenakou, P.
203060Abstract Title: Kolumbo Submarine Volcano serves as a Natural Laboratory in the active Hellenic Volcanic Arc
Popkhadze, N. V. Sr.
203462Abstract Title: Evidence of submarine depositional environment for the host rocks of the Upper Cretaceous Madneuli polymetallic deposit, Lesser Caucasus, Georgia (implication for the host rock depositional environment)
Portner, R. A.
18626Abstract Title: Modern: Mid-Ocean Ridges and Intraplatevolcanism I, 18631Abstract Title: Modern: Mid-Ocean Ridges and Intraplatevolcanism II, 18632Abstract Title: Modern: Mid-Ocean Ridges and Intraplatevolcanism III, 18633Abstract Title: Mid-ocean Ridge and Intraplate Posters, 18634Abstract Title: Keynote: Dr. Deb Kelley, 202222Abstract Title: Explosive submarine volcanism during the penultimate deglaciation: New results from the Pacific Antarctic Ridge, 203075Abstract Title: Mixing and hybridization in basalt-to-rhyolite magmatism on an intermediate spreading mid-ocean ridge, Alarcon Rise, EPR., 203299Abstract Title: In-situ study of submarine volcanism using 1m-resolution AUV-based seafloor mapping with targeted lava and sediment sampling using ROVs, 203515Abstract Title: Volcaniclastic deposits on the mid-ocean ridge provide evidence for explosive magma fragmentation, lava flow disaggregation, mass-wasting and pelagic transport processes
Portnyagin, M.
201709Abstract Title: Submarine Piip Volcano, Western Aleutian Arc: Temporal Evolution from Back-Arc Rift to Island-Arc Stratovolcano
Presas-Navarro, C.
202199Abstract Title: The eruption of the submarine volcano Tagoro at the island of El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain: 5 years registering physical-chemical anomalies
Prytulak, J.
203186Abstract Title: Emplacement and Origin of Eocene and Oligocene Submarine Pyroclastic Flows of Boninite and Rhyodacite Composition in the Bonin Fore-arc, IODP Expedition 352
Pure, L.


Raineault, N.
202460Abstract Title: Tubular Nontronite-Bearing Hydrothermal Deposits from a Galápagos Seamount
Ramsey, M. S.
Resing, J. A.
203197Abstract Title: Relationship between tectonism, volcanism, and hydrothermal venting along the Mariana back-arc spreading center between 12.7°N and 18.3°N
Reyes, J.
203274Abstract Title: Rapid transition from shield to post-erosional volcanism at O’Higgins guyot, Juan Fernández Ridge, Pacific SE
Riggs, N.
Robert, G.
202460Abstract Title: Tubular Nontronite-Bearing Hydrothermal Deposits from a Galápagos Seamount
Robertson, A.
203186Abstract Title: Emplacement and Origin of Eocene and Oligocene Submarine Pyroclastic Flows of Boninite and Rhyodacite Composition in the Bonin Fore-arc, IODP Expedition 352
Robertson, R.
202241Abstract Title: Submarine geology and geomorphology of active sub-Antarctic volcanoes: Heard and McDonald islands
Ross, A.
203368Abstract Title: Characterising the Magmatic Activity of the Bight Basin Igneous Complex of the Australian Southern Margin.
Rotella, M. D.
203164Abstract Title: Comparisons and Contrasts Between Subaerial and Submarine Explosive Volcanic Processes: Case Studies From the Kermadec Arc, 203172Abstract Title: The Non-Explosive Generation of Pumiceous Material in Subaqueous Felsic Volcanism
Rubin, K. H.
203455Abstract Title: Active and Recent Submarine Volcanism of the NE Lau Basin
Ruch, J.
203276Abstract Title: Oblique rift opening and graben reactivation revealed by reoccurring magma intrusions in central Iceland, 203285Abstract Title: Seismic swarm activity at spreading centers in the southern Red Sea, Afar and Gulf of Aden
Ryan, J. G.
203186Abstract Title: Emplacement and Origin of Eocene and Oligocene Submarine Pyroclastic Flows of Boninite and Rhyodacite Composition in the Bonin Fore-arc, IODP Expedition 352


Salinas de León, P.
202460Abstract Title: Tubular Nontronite-Bearing Hydrothermal Deposits from a Galápagos Seamount
Samrock, L.
202270Abstract Title: Widespread (>100 km) Tephra from a Deep-Sea (>3000 mbsl) Eruption at the Cape Verde Archipelago, Central-East Atlantic Ocean
Sánchez-Guillamón, O.
202199Abstract Title: The eruption of the submarine volcano Tagoro at the island of El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain: 5 years registering physical-chemical anomalies, 202729Abstract Title: Geomorphological Analysis of the Underwater Tagoro Volcano (Submarine Slope of El Hierro Island), 203061Abstract Title: Evolution of Seabed Mesoforms in Tagoro Volcano (submarine slope of El Hierro Island)
Santana-Casiano, J. M.
202199Abstract Title: The eruption of the submarine volcano Tagoro at the island of El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain: 5 years registering physical-chemical anomalies, 202215Abstract Title: Use of ORP and pH sensors in two-yo studies to map redox and acid-base anomalies in the seawater properties due to hydrothermal activity in shallow areas, 202729Abstract Title: Geomorphological Analysis of the Underwater Tagoro Volcano (Submarine Slope of El Hierro Island), 203061Abstract Title: Evolution of Seabed Mesoforms in Tagoro Volcano (submarine slope of El Hierro Island)
Santana-González, C.
202215Abstract Title: Use of ORP and pH sensors in two-yo studies to map redox and acid-base anomalies in the seawater properties due to hydrothermal activity in shallow areas
Sauermilch, I.
203328Abstract Title: Rocks from the Cascade Seamount: An Archive of the Unzipping of Gondwana and the Initiation of the ACC?
Schindlbeck, J. C.
202445Abstract Title: Deciphering the Sources of Fine-Grained, Late Miocene Volcaniclastic Density Current Deposits in the Manji-Enpo Volcano-Bound Basin (Unit V, IODP Expedition 350 Site U1437 - Izu-Bonin Rear Arc): Insights from Shard and Crystal Geochemistry, SEM Petrography, XRF Core Scanning, and Shipboard Data.
Schwartz, D. M.
202975Abstract Title: Submarine Snapshots of Galápagos Magmatism, 203278Abstract Title: Major and trace element and isotopic constraints on magma systematics in lavas from the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center
Shervais, J. W.
203186Abstract Title: Emplacement and Origin of Eocene and Oligocene Submarine Pyroclastic Flows of Boninite and Rhyodacite Composition in the Bonin Fore-arc, IODP Expedition 352
Shimizu, K.
203186Abstract Title: Emplacement and Origin of Eocene and Oligocene Submarine Pyroclastic Flows of Boninite and Rhyodacite Composition in the Bonin Fore-arc, IODP Expedition 352
Sinton, J. M.
Skinner, L. A.
203289Abstract Title: Miocene Intra-Continental, Shallow, Subaqueous Volcanism in Verde Valley, Arizona, USA – A Permanent Record of a Temporary Lake
Soriano Clemente, C.
Soule, S. A.
18671Abstract Title: The Next Decade of Research in Submarine Volcanism: Remote and Insitu Technologies to Facilitate Science in the Next Decade, 202975Abstract Title: Submarine Snapshots of Galápagos Magmatism, 202983Abstract Title: Partitioning pumice into rafts and submarine deposits during the 2012 eruption of Havre submarine volcano, 203181Abstract Title: Eruption Dynamics on the Global Mid-Ocean Ridge System, 203183Abstract Title: Deep-Sea Synergy: Humans, Robots, and the Most Active Volcanic Systems on Earth, 203256Abstract Title: Degassing and Vesiculation during the 2011 eruption of Axial Volcano, Juan de Fuca Ridge
Sprinkle, D. P. II
203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount


Takahashi, T.
202358Abstract Title: Rhyolite Magma Intrusion into Subaqueous Unconsolidated Sediments: Facies, Structures and Formation Processes
Talukder, A. R.
203368Abstract Title: Characterising the Magmatic Activity of the Bight Basin Igneous Complex of the Australian Southern Margin.
Tan, Y. J.
202477Abstract Title: Dynamics of a Seafloor Spreading Episode at the East Pacific Rise, 203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount
Tani, K.
203148Abstract Title: Oomurodashi Volcano: Overview of an Active Shallow Submarine Silicic Volcano in the Northern Izu-Bonin Arc, 203221Abstract Title: Scales of compositional heterogeneity in volcanic products of the 2012 eruption of Havre volcano, Kermadec arc
Taylor, R.
203067Abstract Title: Submarine volcanic chain as an indicator of long distance lateral magma transport at oceanic island arc volcano
Tello, O.
202199Abstract Title: The eruption of the submarine volcano Tagoro at the island of El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain: 5 years registering physical-chemical anomalies, 202729Abstract Title: Geomorphological Analysis of the Underwater Tagoro Volcano (Submarine Slope of El Hierro Island), 203061Abstract Title: Evolution of Seabed Mesoforms in Tagoro Volcano (submarine slope of El Hierro Island)
Tepp, G.
203037Abstract Title: Automatic Detection and Classification of Submarine Volcano Signals
Thal, J.
202970Abstract Title: Subaqueous Cryptodome Eruption on the Andesitic North Su Volcano, 203362Abstract Title: Shallow Submarine, Non-emergent Eruptions Revisited: Constraining Eruption Dynamics from Sampling of Floating Lava Balloons and Proximal Deposit Facies Analysis. The 1998-2001 Serreta Eruption (Azores, Portugal)
Thomas, H. J.
203444Abstract Title: Examination of the Axial 2011 and 2015 lava flows from high-resolution AUV bathymetry and ROV dives
Timm, C.
202847Abstract Title: The Colville Ridge: New Zealand’s ancient offshore arc and its role in present day Kermadec arc volcanism
Tivey, M.
202970Abstract Title: Subaqueous Cryptodome Eruption on the Andesitic North Su Volcano
Tolstoy, M.
202477Abstract Title: Dynamics of a Seafloor Spreading Episode at the East Pacific Rise, 203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount
Trofimovs, J.
203308Abstract Title: The Effects of Palaeoenvironment on Eruption Styles and Deposit Characteristics: Assessing Differences Between the Subaerial and Subaqueous Parts of the Late Devonian Boyd Volcanic Complex, NSW, Australia, and the Causes
Trowbridge, S. R.
202341Abstract Title: Contrasts in Dissolved CO2 and Bubbles Between MORB and Submarine Flood Basalts: Insights into the Duration, Scale and Style of Lava Emplacement


Unglert, K.
203037Abstract Title: Automatic Detection and Classification of Submarine Volcano Signals


van der Zwan, F. M.
203072Abstract Title: Volcano Morphology and Explosive Eruptions in the Red Sea
Vazquez, J. T.
202199Abstract Title: The eruption of the submarine volcano Tagoro at the island of El Hierro, Canary Islands, Spain: 5 years registering physical-chemical anomalies, 202729Abstract Title: Geomorphological Analysis of the Underwater Tagoro Volcano (Submarine Slope of El Hierro Island), 203061Abstract Title: Evolution of Seabed Mesoforms in Tagoro Volcano (submarine slope of El Hierro Island)
Verolino, A.
202276Abstract Title: Surtseyan Volcanic Eruptions: An Experimental Perspective


Walder, J. S.
202181Abstract Title: Energetics of Surtseyan Eruptions: Insights From the Fluid Dynamics and Phenomenology of Underwater Chemical Explosions
Waldhauser, F.
202477Abstract Title: Dynamics of a Seafloor Spreading Episode at the East Pacific Rise, 203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount
Walker, S. L.
203197Abstract Title: Relationship between tectonism, volcanism, and hydrothermal venting along the Mariana back-arc spreading center between 12.7°N and 18.3°N, 203269Abstract Title: Patterns of fine ash dispersal associated with ongoing submarine volcanic eruptions
Wang, T.
203276Abstract Title: Oblique rift opening and graben reactivation revealed by reoccurring magma intrusions in central Iceland
Wanless, V. D.
202975Abstract Title: Submarine Snapshots of Galápagos Magmatism, 203147Abstract Title: Seamount Calderas and Craters- Keys to Submarine Magmatic and Volcanic Processes, 203266Abstract Title: Magmatism and Crustal Accretion Along the Global Ridge System, 203278Abstract Title: Major and trace element and isotopic constraints on magma systematics in lavas from the Mid-Cayman Spreading Center
Watson, S. J.
202241Abstract Title: Submarine geology and geomorphology of active sub-Antarctic volcanoes: Heard and McDonald islands
Weber, R.
202449Abstract Title: Assessing the Level of Volcanic Hazard and Risk from Volcanoes in Remote Localities
Wei, Z.
202983Abstract Title: Partitioning pumice into rafts and submarine deposits during the 2012 eruption of Havre submarine volcano, 203032Abstract Title: Trapped bubbles keep pumice afloat and gas diffusion makes pumice sink
Werner, R.
201709Abstract Title: Submarine Piip Volcano, Western Aleutian Arc: Temporal Evolution from Back-Arc Rift to Island-Arc Stratovolcano
White, J. D. L.
18654Abstract Title: Integrating ancient and modern and numerical/experimental approaches I, 18659Abstract Title: Integrating ancient and modern and numerical/experimental approaches II, 18663Abstract Title: Integrating ancient and modern and numerical/experimental approaches III, 18664Abstract Title: Integrating Ancient & Modern, Numerical, and Experimental Approaches Posters, 18666Abstract Title: Keynote: Dr. Comel de Ronde, 18678Abstract Title: The Next Decade of Research in Submarine Volcanism:Integrating Modern/Ancient Studies, 202276Abstract Title: Surtseyan Volcanic Eruptions: An Experimental Perspective, 203113Abstract Title: Ash Generation During a Major Silicic Deep Marine Eruption, 203377Abstract Title: SIMULATING THE UNSEEN – ANALOGUE EXPERIMENTS ILLUMINATE SUBMARINE ERUPTIVE PROCESSES
Whittaker, J. M.
202241Abstract Title: Submarine geology and geomorphology of active sub-Antarctic volcanoes: Heard and McDonald islands, 203328Abstract Title: Rocks from the Cascade Seamount: An Archive of the Unzipping of Gondwana and the Initiation of the ACC?
Wilcock, W. S. D.
202477Abstract Title: Dynamics of a Seafloor Spreading Episode at the East Pacific Rise, 203433Abstract Title: Seismic and Acoustic Constraints on the Dynamics of the Submarine Eruption Cycle at Axial Seamount
Wilson, C. J. N.
203164Abstract Title: Comparisons and Contrasts Between Subaerial and Submarine Explosive Volcanic Processes: Case Studies From the Kermadec Arc, 203172Abstract Title: The Non-Explosive Generation of Pumiceous Material in Subaqueous Felsic Volcanism
Winckler, G.
203271Abstract Title: Spatial Patterns of Hydrothermal Deposition on the Juan de Fuca Ridge over the Past 500,000 years
Wright, I. C.
203164Abstract Title: Comparisons and Contrasts Between Subaerial and Submarine Explosive Volcanic Processes: Case Studies From the Kermadec Arc, 203172Abstract Title: The Non-Explosive Generation of Pumiceous Material in Subaqueous Felsic Volcanism
Wysoczanski, R. J.
203164Abstract Title: Comparisons and Contrasts Between Subaerial and Submarine Explosive Volcanic Processes: Case Studies From the Kermadec Arc, 203172Abstract Title: The Non-Explosive Generation of Pumiceous Material in Subaqueous Felsic Volcanism, 203221Abstract Title: Scales of compositional heterogeneity in volcanic products of the 2012 eruption of Havre volcano, Kermadec arc


Xu, D.
203992Abstract Title: The formation of Dawengquan maar volcano of Longgang volcanic cluster of China
Xu, G.
203189Abstract Title: Circulation, hydrography, and transport over the summit of Axial, a deep volcano in the Northeast Pacific
Xu, J.
203507Abstract Title: Magmatic Processes Inferred from Chemical Composition and Texture of the Lavas in Ashikule Volcanic Cluster, Western Kunlun, China, 203992Abstract Title: The formation of Dawengquan maar volcano of Longgang volcanic cluster of China
Xu, J.
203494Abstract Title: Assessment of tephra fallout hazard for the nuclear facilities of China - a case study of Taishan Nuclear Power Plant (TNPP)
Xu, W.
203276Abstract Title: Oblique rift opening and graben reactivation revealed by reoccurring magma intrusions in central Iceland


Yamagishi, H.
202187Abstract Title: COMPARISON BETWEEN RECENT PILLOW LAVAS AND ANCIENT ANALOGUES, 202456Abstract Title: Emplacement processes of channelized submarine lava flows composed of jumbled sheet flows and pillowed flows, inferred from the Middle Miocene Ogi Basalts, Japan.
Yeo, I. A.
202686Abstract Title: Getting more from hydroacoustic data: age, texture and composition of seafloor volcanics from multibeam and sidescan sonar data, 202962Abstract Title: Young Volcanism on the "Dead" Abyssal Plain: How Little we Really Know About Submarine Intraplate Volcanism, 203119Abstract Title: Young lava flows on 20 Ma crust in the North Atlantic
Yoerger, D.
202970Abstract Title: Subaqueous Cryptodome Eruption on the Andesitic North Su Volcano
Yogodzinski, G. M.
201709Abstract Title: Submarine Piip Volcano, Western Aleutian Arc: Temporal Evolution from Back-Arc Rift to Island-Arc Stratovolcano
Yoshida, T.
202358Abstract Title: Rhyolite Magma Intrusion into Subaqueous Unconsolidated Sediments: Facies, Structures and Formation Processes
Yu, H.
203507Abstract Title: Magmatic Processes Inferred from Chemical Composition and Texture of the Lavas in Ashikule Volcanic Cluster, Western Kunlun, China


Zhao, B.
203507Abstract Title: Magmatic Processes Inferred from Chemical Composition and Texture of the Lavas in Ashikule Volcanic Cluster, Western Kunlun, China, 203992Abstract Title: The formation of Dawengquan maar volcano of Longgang volcanic cluster of China
Zimanowski, B.
202276Abstract Title: Surtseyan Volcanic Eruptions: An Experimental Perspective