Quantifying the Effect of Strong Subpacket Structure in VLF Chorus Rising Tones on Radiation Belt Acceleration

Friday, 9 March 2018: 11:10
Longshot and Bogey (Hotel Quinta da Marinha)
John C Foster, MIT Haystack Observatory, Geospace Sciences, Westford, MA, United States, Yoshiharu Omura, Kyoto University, Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, Kyoto, Japan, Philip John Erickson, MIT Haystack Observatory, Westford, MA, United States and Craig Kletzing, University of Iowa, Department of Physics and Astronomy, Iowa City, IA, United States
Associated with injections of 10s keV electrons into the inner magnetosphere (L ~ 4), strong (|Bw| ~ 1nT; |Ew| ~ 0.03 V/m), long duration (~10 ms) subpacket structure is seen in Van Allen Probes EMFISIS burst mode observations of VLF chorus rising tones (cf. Figure, Panels A, B and D). The strongest subpackets are seen at wave frequencies (f) very near 1⁄4 of the local electron gyrofrequency (fce) and are associated with a pronounced steepening of df/dt, the rate of increase of wave frequency with time (cf. Panels A and D; df/dt reaches ~20 Hz/ms in the strongest subpackets). On a wave cycle by wave cycle basis we examine both cyclotron and Landau energy gain for seed electrons with 50 keV – 10 MeV initial energies in non-linear interactions with the obliquely-propagating VLF waves. Maximum energy gain of 5-10 keV/wave cycle occurs for electrons with 1-2 MeV initial energy resulting in a 200 keV – 500 keV total energy increase for electrons resonant with the waves throughout the single subpacket (Panel C). Contributions from cyclotron (n=1) and Landau (n=0) effects are of similar magnitude in these strong subpackets, with Landau effects of the wave electric field perpendicular to B the largest contributor (Panel C). Whistler mode group velocity maximizes at ¼ fce and a simple model addresses the build-up of wave amplitude and the steepening of df/dt around ¼ fce.