Author Index:
Author Index:
329649Abstract Title: Observations directly linking relativistic electron microbursts to whistler mode chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II,
330907Abstract Title: Nonlinear Wave-Particles Interactions in the Outer Radiation Belt: Mechanisms of Interaction and Effects for the Global Particles Dynamics
329069Abstract Title: Simultaneous Observation Of A Strong Electron Microburst At The Equator And In the Ionosphere
329663Abstract Title: Simulating Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions in the Inner Zone: Sensitivity to Wave Models,
330995Abstract Title: Neoclassical and anomalous radial diffusion of trapped electrons in the inner belt,
331027Abstract Title: Global Simulations of Wave/Particle Interactions in the Radiation Belts
330700Abstract Title: Particle-in-cell simulations of diffusion due to whistler mode waves: comparing quasi-monochromatic to broadband waves
330795Abstract Title: Radiation belt electron transport and energisation in broadband electromagnetic waves
330883Abstract Title: On the Effect of the Seed Population, a Comparison of Three Low Energy Boundaries in the BAS Radiation Belt Model
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations
330992Abstract Title: Laboratory Investigation of Nonlinear Whistler Wave Processes
330892Abstract Title: The Parameterization of Wave-Particle Interactions in the Outer Radiation Belt
331085Abstract Title: Ion hole formation and nonlinear generation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron waves: THEMIS observations
330907Abstract Title: Nonlinear Wave-Particles Interactions in the Outer Radiation Belt: Mechanisms of Interaction and Effects for the Global Particles Dynamics
331085Abstract Title: Ion hole formation and nonlinear generation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron waves: THEMIS observations
330577Abstract Title: Loss of Relativistic and Ultra-relativistic Electrons From the Radiation Belts,
330661Abstract Title: Modeling the response of the Earth's radiation belts to CME- and CIR-driven geomagnetic storms,
330741Abstract Title: Validation of New Chorus Wave Model derived from Van Allen Probe Wave Observations using VERB-3D code and Particle Measurements
329419Abstract Title: Multi-Year Observations of Ultra-Relativistic Electrons with the Van Allen Probes Mission,
329667Abstract Title: Recent Advancements on the Sources of Inner Radiation Belt Particles,
330259Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of radiation belt response to interplanetary shocks and co-rotating interaction region during September 2017,
330709Abstract Title: The Impressive Correlation Between Substorm Activity and the Rebuilding of Earth’s Radiation Belts,
330953Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of electron response to the 2016 October 12-13 IP shock and magnetic cloud,
330958Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Storm,
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016,
331027Abstract Title: Global Simulations of Wave/Particle Interactions in the Radiation Belts,
331055Abstract Title: Explaining the Diverse Response of the Ultra-relativistic Van Allen Radiation Belt to Solar Wind Forcing,
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission
331076Abstract Title: Storm-time Estimates of Radial Diffusion from Ground- and Space-based Measurements
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
330916Abstract Title: How representative are Van Allen Probes results from extreme events point of view?
330748Abstract Title: Van Allen Probe Observations of Chorus Wave Activity, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms
330992Abstract Title: Laboratory Investigation of Nonlinear Whistler Wave Processes
329069Abstract Title: Simultaneous Observation Of A Strong Electron Microburst At The Equator And In the Ionosphere,
329649Abstract Title: Observations directly linking relativistic electron microbursts to whistler mode chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II,
329845Abstract Title: Intensity of relativistic electron microbursts and their impact on the radiation belts,
330323Abstract Title: Energetic Electron Penetration Into Inner Radiation Zone,
330632Abstract Title: A Revised Look at Relativistic Electrons in the Inner Zone and Slot Region,
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
330958Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Storm,
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission
330760Abstract Title: Energetic Electron Precipitation and Associated Scattering Processes: Recent Advances and Remaining Questions
329845Abstract Title: Intensity of relativistic electron microbursts and their impact on the radiation belts
330137Abstract Title: Acceleration, Transport, and Trapping of Ultra-Heavy Ions in the Inner Zone,
330748Abstract Title: Van Allen Probe Observations of Chorus Wave Activity, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms,
330958Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Storm,
330974Abstract Title: Increases and decreases in radiation belt electron content with geomagnetic activity
330957Abstract Title: Peaks in Phase Space Density: A Survey of the Van Allen Probes Era
329649Abstract Title: Observations directly linking relativistic electron microbursts to whistler mode chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II,
330604Abstract Title: Analysis of data from a series of Van Allen Probes and ARASE satellite conjunctions to determine the spatial scale of magnetospheric wave modes and their effects on radiation belt particles,
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission
330550Abstract Title: Untangling solar wind drivers of the outer radiation belt with information theory
330845Abstract Title: Overview of the Basic Plasma Science Facility
329649Abstract Title: Observations directly linking relativistic electron microbursts to whistler mode chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II,
330604Abstract Title: Analysis of data from a series of Van Allen Probes and ARASE satellite conjunctions to determine the spatial scale of magnetospheric wave modes and their effects on radiation belt particles,
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission
330741Abstract Title: Validation of New Chorus Wave Model derived from Van Allen Probe Wave Observations using VERB-3D code and Particle Measurements
331027Abstract Title: Global Simulations of Wave/Particle Interactions in the Radiation Belts
331054Abstract Title: Diagnosing the Causes of Extremely Fast Loss from the Radiation Belts: High Cadence Swarm and GPS Satellite Monitoring
304835Abstract Title: Particle Transport Driving Nonlinear Plasma Waves at Injection Fronts in the Inner Magnetosphere
38794Abstract Title: Particle Acceleration and Transport III,
38805Abstract Title: Particle Acceleration and Transport VII,
38809Abstract Title: Particle Acceleration and Transport VIII Posters,
38860Abstract Title: Welcome and Conference Kick Off,
327656Abstract Title: Global Radiation Belt Modeling: Combined MHD and Test-Particle Simulations,
330323Abstract Title: Energetic Electron Penetration Into Inner Radiation Zone,
330559Abstract Title: Estimating and Validating Diffusion Coefficients with Particle Data,
330632Abstract Title: A Revised Look at Relativistic Electrons in the Inner Zone and Slot Region,
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
330958Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Storm,
331042Abstract Title: Identifying the Cause of Outer Radiation Belt Enhancements: The Importance of Accounting for the K-Dependence of and uncertainties in the Electron Phase Space Density.,
331055Abstract Title: Explaining the Diverse Response of the Ultra-relativistic Van Allen Radiation Belt to Solar Wind Forcing,
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission
329845Abstract Title: Intensity of relativistic electron microbursts and their impact on the radiation belts,
330263Abstract Title: Outstanding questions around the energy of EMIC wave driven electron precipitation,
330869Abstract Title: What fraction of the outer radiation belt electron flux was lost to the atmosphere during the dropout event on the St Patrick’s Day storm of 2015?,
330922Abstract Title: Testing the theory behind ULF pulsation-related precipitation
329649Abstract Title: Observations directly linking relativistic electron microbursts to whistler mode chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II
330782Abstract Title: Wave fields of electromagnetic ion cyclotron and whistler waves in a two dimensional dipole magnetosphere and associated particle acceleration and pitch angle scattering
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
330680Abstract Title: Geospace driver effects on electron acceleration and loss in the outer Van Allen belt,
330793Abstract Title: Association of Pc4-5 waves with near-equatorial electron fluxes during substorm activity,
331076Abstract Title: Storm-time Estimates of Radial Diffusion from Ground- and Space-based Measurements
330806Abstract Title: Electron trapping in kinetic scale field line resonances
330869Abstract Title: What fraction of the outer radiation belt electron flux was lost to the atmosphere during the dropout event on the St Patrick’s Day storm of 2015?
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission
330883Abstract Title: On the Effect of the Seed Population, a Comparison of Three Low Energy Boundaries in the BAS Radiation Belt Model
330137Abstract Title: Acceleration, Transport, and Trapping of Ultra-Heavy Ions in the Inner Zone
330782Abstract Title: Wave fields of electromagnetic ion cyclotron and whistler waves in a two dimensional dipole magnetosphere and associated particle acceleration and pitch angle scattering
330709Abstract Title: The Impressive Correlation Between Substorm Activity and the Rebuilding of Earth’s Radiation Belts
330680Abstract Title: Geospace driver effects on electron acceleration and loss in the outer Van Allen belt,
331036Abstract Title: On the Causality of Chorus Wave Acceleration: A Remarkable Correlation Between Storm-time ULF wave Power Profiles and the POES VLF Chorus Wave Proxy,
331047Abstract Title: On Diffusive and Non-Diffusive Fast ULF Wave Radiation Belt Losses during Intense Geomagnetic Storms
329845Abstract Title: Intensity of relativistic electron microbursts and their impact on the radiation belts
330907Abstract Title: Nonlinear Wave-Particles Interactions in the Outer Radiation Belt: Mechanisms of Interaction and Effects for the Global Particles Dynamics
330577Abstract Title: Loss of Relativistic and Ultra-relativistic Electrons From the Radiation Belts,
330661Abstract Title: Modeling the response of the Earth's radiation belts to CME- and CIR-driven geomagnetic storms,
330741Abstract Title: Validation of New Chorus Wave Model derived from Van Allen Probe Wave Observations using VERB-3D code and Particle Measurements,
331010Abstract Title: Quantification of the Error in Radiation Belt Electron PSD due to Global Field Model Errors,
331067Abstract Title: Long-term correlation of EMIC wave activity and radiation belt flux variations
331292Abstract Title: Quantifying Properties and Atmospheric Consequences of Medium Energy Relativistic Electron Precipitation from the Radiation Belts: Coordinated Studies Using FIREBIRD and Van Allen Probes Measurements and Whole Atmosphere Modeling
330661Abstract Title: Modeling the response of the Earth's radiation belts to CME- and CIR-driven geomagnetic storms
331027Abstract Title: Global Simulations of Wave/Particle Interactions in the Radiation Belts
331018Abstract Title: Radial Transport due to ULF Field Line Resonances and Cavity Modes in the Inner Magnetosphere
330992Abstract Title: Laboratory Investigation of Nonlinear Whistler Wave Processes
330069Abstract Title: Quantifying the Effect of Strong Subpacket Structure in VLF Chorus Rising Tones on Radiation Belt Acceleration
329560Abstract Title: Extreme Relativistic Electron Fluxes in the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt: Analysis of INTEGRAL IREM Data
330748Abstract Title: Van Allen Probe Observations of Chorus Wave Activity, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms
330259Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of radiation belt response to interplanetary shocks and co-rotating interaction region during September 2017,
330323Abstract Title: Energetic Electron Penetration Into Inner Radiation Zone,
331025Abstract Title: Wave-Particle Interactions in Earth’s Radiation Belts: A Model Study of Correlated Electron Bursts and Whistler Chorus
38797Abstract Title: Particle Acceleration and Transport IV,
38799Abstract Title: Particle Acceleration and Transport V,
327656Abstract Title: Global Radiation Belt Modeling: Combined MHD and Test-Particle Simulations,
330568Abstract Title: Multi-Spacecraft Observations of Whistler-Mode Wave-Particle Interactions: Temporal or Spatial Structures?,
330632Abstract Title: A Revised Look at Relativistic Electrons in the Inner Zone and Slot Region,
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
330953Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of electron response to the 2016 October 12-13 IP shock and magnetic cloud,
330958Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Storm,
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission
330137Abstract Title: Acceleration, Transport, and Trapping of Ultra-Heavy Ions in the Inner Zone
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
330892Abstract Title: The Parameterization of Wave-Particle Interactions in the Outer Radiation Belt,
330974Abstract Title: Increases and decreases in radiation belt electron content with geomagnetic activity,
331076Abstract Title: Storm-time Estimates of Radial Diffusion from Ground- and Space-based Measurements
330069Abstract Title: Quantifying the Effect of Strong Subpacket Structure in VLF Chorus Rising Tones on Radiation Belt Acceleration
330974Abstract Title: Increases and decreases in radiation belt electron content with geomagnetic activity
330928Abstract Title: The magnetic field investigation on the Arase (ERG) mission: Overview of initial scientific results
330137Abstract Title: Acceleration, Transport, and Trapping of Ultra-Heavy Ions in the Inner Zone
330632Abstract Title: A Revised Look at Relativistic Electrons in the Inner Zone and Slot Region
331076Abstract Title: Storm-time Estimates of Radial Diffusion from Ground- and Space-based Measurements
330628Abstract Title: Direct Outflow and Subsequent Transport of Low Energy (<keV) O+ Ions into the Inner Magnetosphere During Geomagnetically Active Times and Implications for Radiation Belt Dynamics.
329753Abstract Title: Particle Trapping and Acceleration at Dipolarization Fronts: High-Resolution MHD and Test-Particle Simulations
329663Abstract Title: Simulating Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions in the Inner Zone: Sensitivity to Wave Models,
330743Abstract Title: Validating Very Long-term Simulations With The BAS Radiation Belt Model Using GIOVE-B Data,
330883Abstract Title: On the Effect of the Seed Population, a Comparison of Three Low Energy Boundaries in the BAS Radiation Belt Model,
330903Abstract Title: Calculation of the Relativistic Electron flux at Geostationary Orbit Due to an Extreme Space Weather Event
330911Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Loss due to Energetic Electron Precipitation in Geomagnetic Storm associated with Corotating Interaction Regions
330869Abstract Title: What fraction of the outer radiation belt electron flux was lost to the atmosphere during the dropout event on the St Patrick’s Day storm of 2015?
330916Abstract Title: How representative are Van Allen Probes results from extreme events point of view?
330903Abstract Title: Calculation of the Relativistic Electron flux at Geostationary Orbit Due to an Extreme Space Weather Event
330968Abstract Title: Test Particle Simulation of the Pitch Angle Response of Ions to ULF Waves: Van Allen Probes Observations and Formation of Butterfly Distributions
330736Abstract Title: Observations of Oblique Plasmaspheric Hiss from Van Allen Probes
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations
330263Abstract Title: Outstanding questions around the energy of EMIC wave driven electron precipitation
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
331007Abstract Title: Lifetime of Relativistic Electrons in the Radiation Belt observed with the HEP Instruments onboard Arase,
331084Abstract Title: Energy dependence of relativistic electron variations in the outer radiation belt during the recovery phase of magnetic storms: Arase/XEP observations
330793Abstract Title: Association of Pc4-5 waves with near-equatorial electron fluxes during substorm activity
331007Abstract Title: Lifetime of Relativistic Electrons in the Radiation Belt observed with the HEP Instruments onboard Arase
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
331084Abstract Title: Energy dependence of relativistic electron variations in the outer radiation belt during the recovery phase of magnetic storms: Arase/XEP observations
38837Abstract Title: The Role of Nonlinear Processes and New Radiation Belt Modeling Capabilities and the Quantification of Model Uncertainties,
329560Abstract Title: Extreme Relativistic Electron Fluxes in the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt: Analysis of INTEGRAL IREM Data,
330736Abstract Title: Observations of Oblique Plasmaspheric Hiss from Van Allen Probes,
330743Abstract Title: Validating Very Long-term Simulations With The BAS Radiation Belt Model Using GIOVE-B Data,
330883Abstract Title: On the Effect of the Seed Population, a Comparison of Three Low Energy Boundaries in the BAS Radiation Belt Model
330604Abstract Title: Analysis of data from a series of Van Allen Probes and ARASE satellite conjunctions to determine the spatial scale of magnetospheric wave modes and their effects on radiation belt particles
329419Abstract Title: Multi-Year Observations of Ultra-Relativistic Electrons with the Van Allen Probes Mission
330622Abstract Title: Simulated prompt acceleration of multi-MeV electrons by the 7 September 2017 interplanetary shocks
330806Abstract Title: Electron trapping in kinetic scale field line resonances
38842Abstract Title: New Radiation Belt Modeling Capabilities and Quantification of Model Uncertainties II,
330685Abstract Title: Spectral structures of high-energy electrons as observed by the Science and Technology Satellite-I (STSAT-1) of Korea,
330827Abstract Title: Excitation and saturation of electron loss cone by upper-hybrid wave and Z mode instabilities in the Earth's magnetosphere,
330841Abstract Title: Roles of upper-hybrid waves on the particle dynamics in the Earth's radiation belt
330922Abstract Title: Testing the theory behind ULF pulsation-related precipitation
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
329419Abstract Title: Multi-Year Observations of Ultra-Relativistic Electrons with the Van Allen Probes Mission,
330259Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of radiation belt response to interplanetary shocks and co-rotating interaction region during September 2017,
330323Abstract Title: Energetic Electron Penetration Into Inner Radiation Zone,
330709Abstract Title: The Impressive Correlation Between Substorm Activity and the Rebuilding of Earth’s Radiation Belts,
331027Abstract Title: Global Simulations of Wave/Particle Interactions in the Radiation Belts
329649Abstract Title: Observations directly linking relativistic electron microbursts to whistler mode chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II
331055Abstract Title: Explaining the Diverse Response of the Ultra-relativistic Van Allen Radiation Belt to Solar Wind Forcing
329419Abstract Title: Multi-Year Observations of Ultra-Relativistic Electrons with the Van Allen Probes Mission,
330259Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of radiation belt response to interplanetary shocks and co-rotating interaction region during September 2017,
330323Abstract Title: Energetic Electron Penetration Into Inner Radiation Zone,
330622Abstract Title: Simulated prompt acceleration of multi-MeV electrons by the 7 September 2017 interplanetary shocks,
330709Abstract Title: The Impressive Correlation Between Substorm Activity and the Rebuilding of Earth’s Radiation Belts,
330953Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of electron response to the 2016 October 12-13 IP shock and magnetic cloud,
330958Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Storm,
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations
330951Abstract Title: Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEP-e onboard the Arase satellite,
331007Abstract Title: Lifetime of Relativistic Electrons in the Radiation Belt observed with the HEP Instruments onboard Arase,
331085Abstract Title: Ion hole formation and nonlinear generation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron waves: THEMIS observations
330604Abstract Title: Analysis of data from a series of Van Allen Probes and ARASE satellite conjunctions to determine the spatial scale of magnetospheric wave modes and their effects on radiation belt particles,
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
330951Abstract Title: Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEP-e onboard the Arase satellite
331085Abstract Title: Ion hole formation and nonlinear generation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron waves: THEMIS observations
330577Abstract Title: Loss of Relativistic and Ultra-relativistic Electrons From the Radiation Belts,
330661Abstract Title: Modeling the response of the Earth's radiation belts to CME- and CIR-driven geomagnetic storms,
330741Abstract Title: Validation of New Chorus Wave Model derived from Van Allen Probe Wave Observations using VERB-3D code and Particle Measurements,
331010Abstract Title: Quantification of the Error in Radiation Belt Electron PSD due to Global Field Model Errors
330685Abstract Title: Spectral structures of high-energy electrons as observed by the Science and Technology Satellite-I (STSAT-1) of Korea
330748Abstract Title: Van Allen Probe Observations of Chorus Wave Activity, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms
329649Abstract Title: Observations directly linking relativistic electron microbursts to whistler mode chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II,
330069Abstract Title: Quantifying the Effect of Strong Subpacket Structure in VLF Chorus Rising Tones on Radiation Belt Acceleration,
330323Abstract Title: Energetic Electron Penetration Into Inner Radiation Zone,
330736Abstract Title: Observations of Oblique Plasmaspheric Hiss from Van Allen Probes,
330748Abstract Title: Van Allen Probe Observations of Chorus Wave Activity, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms,
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016,
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission,
331186Abstract Title: Chorus Element Properties: Statistics From Automated Chorus Detection
329649Abstract Title: Observations directly linking relativistic electron microbursts to whistler mode chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II
330869Abstract Title: What fraction of the outer radiation belt electron flux was lost to the atmosphere during the dropout event on the St Patrick’s Day storm of 2015?
329991Abstract Title: Structural Variations of Earth’s Inner Radiation Belt with Solar Cycle
330898Abstract Title: Formation Process of the Outer Radiation Belt Through Nonlinear Interaction with Chorus Emissions Localized in Longitude
330951Abstract Title: Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEP-e onboard the Arase satellite
330662Abstract Title: Correlation between precipitation and acceleration of relativistic electrons by whistler mode chorus waves: GEMSIS-RBW simulations,
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
330951Abstract Title: Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEP-e onboard the Arase satellite,
331084Abstract Title: Energy dependence of relativistic electron variations in the outer radiation belt during the recovery phase of magnetic storms: Arase/XEP observations
330841Abstract Title: Roles of upper-hybrid waves on the particle dynamics in the Earth's radiation belt,
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission
330685Abstract Title: Spectral structures of high-energy electrons as observed by the Science and Technology Satellite-I (STSAT-1) of Korea
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
330841Abstract Title: Roles of upper-hybrid waves on the particle dynamics in the Earth's radiation belt
330685Abstract Title: Spectral structures of high-energy electrons as observed by the Science and Technology Satellite-I (STSAT-1) of Korea,
330827Abstract Title: Excitation and saturation of electron loss cone by upper-hybrid wave and Z mode instabilities in the Earth's magnetosphere,
330841Abstract Title: Roles of upper-hybrid waves on the particle dynamics in the Earth's radiation belt
330680Abstract Title: Geospace driver effects on electron acceleration and loss in the outer Van Allen belt,
330903Abstract Title: Calculation of the Relativistic Electron flux at Geostationary Orbit Due to an Extreme Space Weather Event,
331036Abstract Title: On the Causality of Chorus Wave Acceleration: A Remarkable Correlation Between Storm-time ULF wave Power Profiles and the POES VLF Chorus Wave Proxy
329667Abstract Title: Recent Advancements on the Sources of Inner Radiation Belt Particles,
330259Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of radiation belt response to interplanetary shocks and co-rotating interaction region during September 2017,
330709Abstract Title: The Impressive Correlation Between Substorm Activity and the Rebuilding of Earth’s Radiation Belts
38830Abstract Title: New Radiation Belt Modeling Capabilities and the Quantification of Model Uncertainties Posters,
38840Abstract Title: New Radiation Belt Modeling Capabilities and Quantification of Model Uncertainties I,
329419Abstract Title: Multi-Year Observations of Ultra-Relativistic Electrons with the Van Allen Probes Mission
330622Abstract Title: Simulated prompt acceleration of multi-MeV electrons by the 7 September 2017 interplanetary shocks
330995Abstract Title: Neoclassical and anomalous radial diffusion of trapped electrons in the inner belt
330974Abstract Title: Increases and decreases in radiation belt electron content with geomagnetic activity
330632Abstract Title: A Revised Look at Relativistic Electrons in the Inner Zone and Slot Region
330841Abstract Title: Roles of upper-hybrid waves on the particle dynamics in the Earth's radiation belt
329209Abstract Title: Quantifying the influence of the magnetic field on the radiation belts during storm-recovery
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations
304835Abstract Title: Particle Transport Driving Nonlinear Plasma Waves at Injection Fronts in the Inner Magnetosphere,
330709Abstract Title: The Impressive Correlation Between Substorm Activity and the Rebuilding of Earth’s Radiation Belts,
333667Abstract Title: Kinetic Equilibrium of Dipolarization Fronts
331036Abstract Title: On the Causality of Chorus Wave Acceleration: A Remarkable Correlation Between Storm-time ULF wave Power Profiles and the POES VLF Chorus Wave Proxy,
331042Abstract Title: Identifying the Cause of Outer Radiation Belt Enhancements: The Importance of Accounting for the K-Dependence of and uncertainties in the Electron Phase Space Density.,
331047Abstract Title: On Diffusive and Non-Diffusive Fast ULF Wave Radiation Belt Losses during Intense Geomagnetic Storms,
331054Abstract Title: Diagnosing the Causes of Extremely Fast Loss from the Radiation Belts: High Cadence Swarm and GPS Satellite Monitoring,
331076Abstract Title: Storm-time Estimates of Radial Diffusion from Ground- and Space-based Measurements
330922Abstract Title: Testing the theory behind ULF pulsation-related precipitation,
330958Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Storm,
331055Abstract Title: Explaining the Diverse Response of the Ultra-relativistic Van Allen Radiation Belt to Solar Wind Forcing,
331067Abstract Title: Long-term correlation of EMIC wave activity and radiation belt flux variations
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
330869Abstract Title: What fraction of the outer radiation belt electron flux was lost to the atmosphere during the dropout event on the St Patrick’s Day storm of 2015?
330706Abstract Title: Atmospheric Signatures of Radiation Belt Precipitation and their Relationship to Precipitating Flux and Spectra
330951Abstract Title: Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEP-e onboard the Arase satellite
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations
330928Abstract Title: The magnetic field investigation on the Arase (ERG) mission: Overview of initial scientific results,
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations
330632Abstract Title: A Revised Look at Relativistic Electrons in the Inner Zone and Slot Region
330608Abstract Title: What Have we Learned From BARREL?
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
329560Abstract Title: Extreme Relativistic Electron Fluxes in the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt: Analysis of INTEGRAL IREM Data,
329663Abstract Title: Simulating Butterfly Pitch Angle Distributions in the Inner Zone: Sensitivity to Wave Models,
330743Abstract Title: Validating Very Long-term Simulations With The BAS Radiation Belt Model Using GIOVE-B Data,
330903Abstract Title: Calculation of the Relativistic Electron flux at Geostationary Orbit Due to an Extreme Space Weather Event
331055Abstract Title: Explaining the Diverse Response of the Ultra-relativistic Van Allen Radiation Belt to Solar Wind Forcing
330685Abstract Title: Spectral structures of high-energy electrons as observed by the Science and Technology Satellite-I (STSAT-1) of Korea
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
331007Abstract Title: Lifetime of Relativistic Electrons in the Radiation Belt observed with the HEP Instruments onboard Arase
329753Abstract Title: Particle Trapping and Acceleration at Dipolarization Fronts: High-Resolution MHD and Test-Particle Simulations,
330628Abstract Title: Direct Outflow and Subsequent Transport of Low Energy (<keV) O+ Ions into the Inner Magnetosphere During Geomagnetically Active Times and Implications for Radiation Belt Dynamics.
330604Abstract Title: Analysis of data from a series of Van Allen Probes and ARASE satellite conjunctions to determine the spatial scale of magnetospheric wave modes and their effects on radiation belt particles,
330662Abstract Title: Correlation between precipitation and acceleration of relativistic electrons by whistler mode chorus waves: GEMSIS-RBW simulations,
330928Abstract Title: The magnetic field investigation on the Arase (ERG) mission: Overview of initial scientific results,
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
330951Abstract Title: Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEP-e onboard the Arase satellite,
331007Abstract Title: Lifetime of Relativistic Electrons in the Radiation Belt observed with the HEP Instruments onboard Arase,
331084Abstract Title: Energy dependence of relativistic electron variations in the outer radiation belt during the recovery phase of magnetic storms: Arase/XEP observations,
331085Abstract Title: Ion hole formation and nonlinear generation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron waves: THEMIS observations
331054Abstract Title: Diagnosing the Causes of Extremely Fast Loss from the Radiation Belts: High Cadence Swarm and GPS Satellite Monitoring
330748Abstract Title: Van Allen Probe Observations of Chorus Wave Activity, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms
330907Abstract Title: Nonlinear Wave-Particles Interactions in the Outer Radiation Belt: Mechanisms of Interaction and Effects for the Global Particles Dynamics
330952Abstract Title: Analysis of electron spectra observed by EPT/PROBA-V in the outer radiation belt during geomagnetically quiet and active intervals
330892Abstract Title: The Parameterization of Wave-Particle Interactions in the Outer Radiation Belt,
330922Abstract Title: Testing the theory behind ULF pulsation-related precipitation,
330958Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Storm,
330974Abstract Title: Increases and decreases in radiation belt electron content with geomagnetic activity,
331042Abstract Title: Identifying the Cause of Outer Radiation Belt Enhancements: The Importance of Accounting for the K-Dependence of and uncertainties in the Electron Phase Space Density.,
331054Abstract Title: Diagnosing the Causes of Extremely Fast Loss from the Radiation Belts: High Cadence Swarm and GPS Satellite Monitoring,
331055Abstract Title: Explaining the Diverse Response of the Ultra-relativistic Van Allen Radiation Belt to Solar Wind Forcing
330928Abstract Title: The magnetic field investigation on the Arase (ERG) mission: Overview of initial scientific results
331085Abstract Title: Ion hole formation and nonlinear generation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron waves: THEMIS observations
41422Abstract Title: Poster Reception
330928Abstract Title: The magnetic field investigation on the Arase (ERG) mission: Overview of initial scientific results
330928Abstract Title: The magnetic field investigation on the Arase (ERG) mission: Overview of initial scientific results
330928Abstract Title: The magnetic field investigation on the Arase (ERG) mission: Overview of initial scientific results
330628Abstract Title: Direct Outflow and Subsequent Transport of Low Energy (<keV) O+ Ions into the Inner Magnetosphere During Geomagnetically Active Times and Implications for Radiation Belt Dynamics.
331047Abstract Title: On Diffusive and Non-Diffusive Fast ULF Wave Radiation Belt Losses during Intense Geomagnetic Storms
38825Abstract Title: The Role of Nonlinear Processes I Posters,
38834Abstract Title: The Role of Nonlinear Processes II,
330069Abstract Title: Quantifying the Effect of Strong Subpacket Structure in VLF Chorus Rising Tones on Radiation Belt Acceleration,
330851Abstract Title: Simulation study of the nonlinear processes of whistler-mode chorus generation in the Earth's inner magnetosphere,
330898Abstract Title: Formation Process of the Outer Radiation Belt Through Nonlinear Interaction with Chorus Emissions Localized in Longitude,
331085Abstract Title: Ion hole formation and nonlinear generation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron waves: THEMIS observations
330022Abstract Title: A solar wind-parameterised, probabilistic model of ULF waves in Earth’s magnetosphere
330922Abstract Title: Testing the theory behind ULF pulsation-related precipitation,
331042Abstract Title: Identifying the Cause of Outer Radiation Belt Enhancements: The Importance of Accounting for the K-Dependence of and uncertainties in the Electron Phase Space Density.,
331047Abstract Title: On Diffusive and Non-Diffusive Fast ULF Wave Radiation Belt Losses during Intense Geomagnetic Storms,
331054Abstract Title: Diagnosing the Causes of Extremely Fast Loss from the Radiation Belts: High Cadence Swarm and GPS Satellite Monitoring,
331055Abstract Title: Explaining the Diverse Response of the Ultra-relativistic Van Allen Radiation Belt to Solar Wind Forcing
331054Abstract Title: Diagnosing the Causes of Extremely Fast Loss from the Radiation Belts: High Cadence Swarm and GPS Satellite Monitoring
331007Abstract Title: Lifetime of Relativistic Electrons in the Radiation Belt observed with the HEP Instruments onboard Arase
330685Abstract Title: Spectral structures of high-energy electrons as observed by the Science and Technology Satellite-I (STSAT-1) of Korea
330622Abstract Title: Simulated prompt acceleration of multi-MeV electrons by the 7 September 2017 interplanetary shocks
330748Abstract Title: Van Allen Probe Observations of Chorus Wave Activity, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms
330903Abstract Title: Calculation of the Relativistic Electron flux at Geostationary Orbit Due to an Extreme Space Weather Event
38840Abstract Title: New Radiation Belt Modeling Capabilities and Quantification of Model Uncertainties I
330892Abstract Title: The Parameterization of Wave-Particle Interactions in the Outer Radiation Belt,
330922Abstract Title: Testing the theory behind ULF pulsation-related precipitation,
330958Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Storm,
330974Abstract Title: Increases and decreases in radiation belt electron content with geomagnetic activity,
331055Abstract Title: Explaining the Diverse Response of the Ultra-relativistic Van Allen Radiation Belt to Solar Wind Forcing,
331076Abstract Title: Storm-time Estimates of Radial Diffusion from Ground- and Space-based Measurements,
331281Abstract Title: Direct Modulation of Electron Precipitation by ULF waves
330700Abstract Title: Particle-in-cell simulations of diffusion due to whistler mode waves: comparing quasi-monochromatic to broadband waves
38792Abstract Title: Particle Acceleration and Transport I,
330137Abstract Title: Acceleration, Transport, and Trapping of Ultra-Heavy Ions in the Inner Zone,
330550Abstract Title: Untangling solar wind drivers of the outer radiation belt with information theory,
330841Abstract Title: Roles of upper-hybrid waves on the particle dynamics in the Earth's radiation belt,
330957Abstract Title: Peaks in Phase Space Density: A Survey of the Van Allen Probes Era,
330958Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Storm,
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission
38811Abstract Title: Particle Loss I,
38824Abstract Title: Particle Loss V Posters,
328888Abstract Title: Computations and observations of the slot formation during quiet storm recovery,
329209Abstract Title: Quantifying the influence of the magnetic field on the radiation belts during storm-recovery
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
38823Abstract Title: Particle Loss IV,
329845Abstract Title: Intensity of relativistic electron microbursts and their impact on the radiation belts,
330869Abstract Title: What fraction of the outer radiation belt electron flux was lost to the atmosphere during the dropout event on the St Patrick’s Day storm of 2015?,
330922Abstract Title: Testing the theory behind ULF pulsation-related precipitation
330263Abstract Title: Outstanding questions around the energy of EMIC wave driven electron precipitation
330992Abstract Title: Laboratory Investigation of Nonlinear Whistler Wave Processes
330903Abstract Title: Calculation of the Relativistic Electron flux at Geostationary Orbit Due to an Extreme Space Weather Event
330662Abstract Title: Correlation between precipitation and acceleration of relativistic electrons by whistler mode chorus waves: GEMSIS-RBW simulations,
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations
330911Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Loss due to Energetic Electron Precipitation in Geomagnetic Storm associated with Corotating Interaction Regions
329560Abstract Title: Extreme Relativistic Electron Fluxes in the Earth's Outer Radiation Belt: Analysis of INTEGRAL IREM Data
331076Abstract Title: Storm-time Estimates of Radial Diffusion from Ground- and Space-based Measurements
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
331084Abstract Title: Energy dependence of relativistic electron variations in the outer radiation belt during the recovery phase of magnetic storms: Arase/XEP observations
331186Abstract Title: Chorus Element Properties: Statistics From Automated Chorus Detection
331281Abstract Title: Direct Modulation of Electron Precipitation by ULF waves
330841Abstract Title: Roles of upper-hybrid waves on the particle dynamics in the Earth's radiation belt
330928Abstract Title: The magnetic field investigation on the Arase (ERG) mission: Overview of initial scientific results,
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
330951Abstract Title: Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEP-e onboard the Arase satellite,
331007Abstract Title: Lifetime of Relativistic Electrons in the Radiation Belt observed with the HEP Instruments onboard Arase
330928Abstract Title: The magnetic field investigation on the Arase (ERG) mission: Overview of initial scientific results
330928Abstract Title: The magnetic field investigation on the Arase (ERG) mission: Overview of initial scientific results
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations
331085Abstract Title: Ion hole formation and nonlinear generation of Electromagnetic Ion Cyclotron waves: THEMIS observations
330577Abstract Title: Loss of Relativistic and Ultra-relativistic Electrons From the Radiation Belts,
330661Abstract Title: Modeling the response of the Earth's radiation belts to CME- and CIR-driven geomagnetic storms,
330741Abstract Title: Validation of New Chorus Wave Model derived from Van Allen Probe Wave Observations using VERB-3D code and Particle Measurements,
331010Abstract Title: Quantification of the Error in Radiation Belt Electron PSD due to Global Field Model Errors,
331067Abstract Title: Long-term correlation of EMIC wave activity and radiation belt flux variations
329649Abstract Title: Observations directly linking relativistic electron microbursts to whistler mode chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II
330259Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of radiation belt response to interplanetary shocks and co-rotating interaction region during September 2017,
330922Abstract Title: Testing the theory behind ULF pulsation-related precipitation,
330953Abstract Title: Van Allen Probes observations of electron response to the 2016 October 12-13 IP shock and magnetic cloud,
330958Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Storm,
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016,
331076Abstract Title: Storm-time Estimates of Radial Diffusion from Ground- and Space-based Measurements
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
330922Abstract Title: Testing the theory behind ULF pulsation-related precipitation
330869Abstract Title: What fraction of the outer radiation belt electron flux was lost to the atmosphere during the dropout event on the St Patrick’s Day storm of 2015?
329753Abstract Title: Particle Trapping and Acceleration at Dipolarization Fronts: High-Resolution MHD and Test-Particle Simulations
330137Abstract Title: Acceleration, Transport, and Trapping of Ultra-Heavy Ions in the Inner Zone
330608Abstract Title: What Have we Learned From BARREL?
330911Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Loss due to Energetic Electron Precipitation in Geomagnetic Storm associated with Corotating Interaction Regions
330706Abstract Title: Atmospheric Signatures of Radiation Belt Precipitation and their Relationship to Precipitating Flux and Spectra
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
330741Abstract Title: Validation of New Chorus Wave Model derived from Van Allen Probe Wave Observations using VERB-3D code and Particle Measurements
329649Abstract Title: Observations directly linking relativistic electron microbursts to whistler mode chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II,
330137Abstract Title: Acceleration, Transport, and Trapping of Ultra-Heavy Ions in the Inner Zone,
330632Abstract Title: A Revised Look at Relativistic Electrons in the Inner Zone and Slot Region,
330748Abstract Title: Van Allen Probe Observations of Chorus Wave Activity, Source and Seed electrons, and the Radiation Belt Response During ICME and CIR Storms,
330957Abstract Title: Peaks in Phase Space Density: A Survey of the Van Allen Probes Era,
330958Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Storm,
330974Abstract Title: Increases and decreases in radiation belt electron content with geomagnetic activity,
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission,
331292Abstract Title: Quantifying Properties and Atmospheric Consequences of Medium Energy Relativistic Electron Precipitation from the Radiation Belts: Coordinated Studies Using FIREBIRD and Van Allen Probes Measurements and Whole Atmosphere Modeling
330911Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Loss due to Energetic Electron Precipitation in Geomagnetic Storm associated with Corotating Interaction Regions
330995Abstract Title: Neoclassical and anomalous radial diffusion of trapped electrons in the inner belt
330254Abstract Title: Nonstorm-time acceleration and transport of radiation belt electrons: Physical mechanisms and favored conditions
330628Abstract Title: Direct Outflow and Subsequent Transport of Low Energy (<keV) O+ Ions into the Inner Magnetosphere During Geomagnetically Active Times and Implications for Radiation Belt Dynamics.
330928Abstract Title: The magnetic field investigation on the Arase (ERG) mission: Overview of initial scientific results,
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
331007Abstract Title: Lifetime of Relativistic Electrons in the Radiation Belt observed with the HEP Instruments onboard Arase
330928Abstract Title: The magnetic field investigation on the Arase (ERG) mission: Overview of initial scientific results
329667Abstract Title: Recent Advancements on the Sources of Inner Radiation Belt Particles
330928Abstract Title: The magnetic field investigation on the Arase (ERG) mission: Overview of initial scientific results,
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
331084Abstract Title: Energy dependence of relativistic electron variations in the outer radiation belt during the recovery phase of magnetic storms: Arase/XEP observations
38803Abstract Title: Particle Acceleration and Transport VI,
329649Abstract Title: Observations directly linking relativistic electron microbursts to whistler mode chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II,
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission
330945Abstract Title: Acceleration of outer radiation belt electrons associated with solar wind pressure pulse: MHD-test particle simulation study and Arase and Van Allen Probe observations,
330951Abstract Title: Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEP-e onboard the Arase satellite
330578Abstract Title: Modeling the Magnetopause Shadowing and Drift Orbit Bifurcation Loss during the June 2015 Dropout Event
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission
330911Abstract Title: Radiation Belt Loss due to Energetic Electron Precipitation in Geomagnetic Storm associated with Corotating Interaction Regions
38793Abstract Title: Particle Acceleration and Transport II,
38831Abstract Title: Laboratory Plasma Experiments and The Role of Nonlinear Processes,
327656Abstract Title: Global Radiation Belt Modeling: Combined MHD and Test-Particle Simulations,
329753Abstract Title: Particle Trapping and Acceleration at Dipolarization Fronts: High-Resolution MHD and Test-Particle Simulations
304835Abstract Title: Particle Transport Driving Nonlinear Plasma Waves at Injection Fronts in the Inner Magnetosphere,
330628Abstract Title: Direct Outflow and Subsequent Transport of Low Energy (<keV) O+ Ions into the Inner Magnetosphere During Geomagnetically Active Times and Implications for Radiation Belt Dynamics.
331067Abstract Title: Long-term correlation of EMIC wave activity and radiation belt flux variations
330952Abstract Title: Analysis of electron spectra observed by EPT/PROBA-V in the outer radiation belt during geomagnetically quiet and active intervals
330987Abstract Title: Dynamic mechanisms of rapid dropout in the outer radiation belt observed after the Coronal Mass Ejection associated with Shock in July 2016
330968Abstract Title: Test Particle Simulation of the Pitch Angle Response of Ions to ULF Waves: Van Allen Probes Observations and Formation of Butterfly Distributions
330968Abstract Title: Test Particle Simulation of the Pitch Angle Response of Ions to ULF Waves: Van Allen Probes Observations and Formation of Butterfly Distributions
330022Abstract Title: A solar wind-parameterised, probabilistic model of ULF waves in Earth’s magnetosphere,
330700Abstract Title: Particle-in-cell simulations of diffusion due to whistler mode waves: comparing quasi-monochromatic to broadband waves,
330892Abstract Title: The Parameterization of Wave-Particle Interactions in the Outer Radiation Belt,
330922Abstract Title: Testing the theory behind ULF pulsation-related precipitation,
330958Abstract Title: The Anatomy of a Storm,
330974Abstract Title: Increases and decreases in radiation belt electron content with geomagnetic activity,
331281Abstract Title: Direct Modulation of Electron Precipitation by ULF waves
330550Abstract Title: Untangling solar wind drivers of the outer radiation belt with information theory
330608Abstract Title: What Have we Learned From BARREL?
329649Abstract Title: Observations directly linking relativistic electron microbursts to whistler mode chorus: Van Allen Probes and FIREBIRD II,
330622Abstract Title: Simulated prompt acceleration of multi-MeV electrons by the 7 September 2017 interplanetary shocks,
331018Abstract Title: Radial Transport due to ULF Field Line Resonances and Cavity Modes in the Inner Magnetosphere,
331087Abstract Title: Evidence for modulation at the solar rotation period of the convection electric field, plasmaspheric density, ULF wave power, and energetic particles over the Van Allen Probes Mission,
331095Abstract Title: Generation of Electrostatic Electric Fields and Radiation Belt Particle Acceleration to High Energy
330706Abstract Title: Atmospheric Signatures of Radiation Belt Precipitation and their Relationship to Precipitating Flux and Spectra
330951Abstract Title: Modulation of electron pitch angle distributions observed by MEP-e onboard the Arase satellite
331076Abstract Title: Storm-time Estimates of Radial Diffusion from Ground- and Space-based Measurements
329667Abstract Title: Recent Advancements on the Sources of Inner Radiation Belt Particles
329419Abstract Title: Multi-Year Observations of Ultra-Relativistic Electrons with the Van Allen Probes Mission,
329667Abstract Title: Recent Advancements on the Sources of Inner Radiation Belt Particles,
330709Abstract Title: The Impressive Correlation Between Substorm Activity and the Rebuilding of Earth’s Radiation Belts
330968Abstract Title: Test Particle Simulation of the Pitch Angle Response of Ions to ULF Waves: Van Allen Probes Observations and Formation of Butterfly Distributions
330741Abstract Title: Validation of New Chorus Wave Model derived from Van Allen Probe Wave Observations using VERB-3D code and Particle Measurements
330968Abstract Title: Test Particle Simulation of the Pitch Angle Response of Ions to ULF Waves: Van Allen Probes Observations and Formation of Butterfly Distributions