Improvement of Expansive Soils Using Chemical Stabilizers

Monday, 15 December 2014
Sabriye banu Ikizler1, Aykut Senol2, Samad K. Khosrowshahi2 and Mustafa Hatipoğlu2, (1)Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey, (2)Istanbul Technical University, Civil Engineering, istanbul, Turkey
The aim of this study is to investigate the effect of two chemical stabilizers on the swelling potential of expansive soil. A high plasticity sodium bentonite was used as the expansive soil. The additive materials including fly ash (FA) and lime (L) were evaluated as potential stabilizers to decrease the swelling pressure of bentonite. Depending on the type of additive materials, they were blended with bentonite in different percentages to assess the optimum state and approch the maximum swell pressure reduction. According to the results of swell pressure test, both fly ash and lime reduce the swelling potential of bentonite but the maximum improvement occurs using bentonite-lime mixture while the swelling pressure reduction approaches to 49%. The results reveal a significant reduction of swelling potential of expansive soil using chemical stabilizers.

Keywords: Expansive soil; swell pressure; chemical stabilization; fly ash; lime