From Cyclone Tracks to the Costs of European Winter Storms: A Probabilistic Loss Assessment Model

Friday, 19 December 2014: 9:30 AM
Kirsten Orwig1, Dominik Renggli2, Thierry Corti2, Stefan Reese3, Marc Wueest2, Elisabeth Viktor2 and Peter Zimmerli2, (1)Swiss Reinsurance America Corporation, Armonk, NY, United States, (2)Swiss Reinsurance Company Ltd, Zurich, Switzerland, (3)Swiss Re Europe S.A., Munich, Germany
European winter storms cause billions of dollars of insured losses every year. Therefore, it is essential to understand potential impacts of future events, and the role reinsurance can play to mitigate the losses. The authors will present an overview on natural catastrophe risk assessment modeling in the reinsurance industry, and the development of a new innovative approach for modeling the risk associated with European winter storms.The new innovative approach includes the development of physically meaningful probabilistic (i.e. simulated) events for European winter storm loss assessment. The meteorological hazard component of the new model is based on cyclone and windstorm tracks identified in the 20thCentury Reanalysis data. The knowledge of the evolution of winter storms both in time and space allows the physically meaningful perturbation of historical event properties (e.g. track, intensity, etc.). The perturbation includes a random element but also takes the local climatology and the evolution of the historical event into account.The low-resolution wind footprints taken from the 20thCentury Reanalysis are processed by a statistical-dynamical downscaling to generate high-resolution footprints for both the simulated and historical events. Downscaling transfer functions are generated using ENSEMBLES regional climate model data.

The result is a set of reliable probabilistic events representing thousands of years. The event set is then combined with country and site-specific vulnerability functions and detailed market- or client-specific information to compute annual expected losses.