Analysis of the seismicity activity of the volcano Ceboruco, Nayarit, Mexico

Thursday, 18 December 2014
Norma Angelica Rodriguez-Ayala1, Francisco J Nunez-Cornu2, Christian R Escudero1, Araceli Zamora-Camacho1 and Adan Gomez1, (1)SisVOc, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico, (2)University of Guadalajara, Puerto Vallarta, Mexico
The Ceboruco is a stratovolcano is located in the state of Nayarit,Mexico (104 ° 30'31 .25 "W, 21 ° 7'28 .35" N, 2280msnm). This is an volcano active, as part of the Trans-Mexican Volcanic Belt, Nelson (1986) reports that it has had activity during the last 1000 years has averaged eruptions every 125 years or so, having last erupted in 1870, currently has fumarolic activity.

In the past 20 years there has been an increase in the population and socio-economic activities around the volcano (Suárez Plascencia, 2013); which reason the Ceboruco study has become a necessity in several ways. Recent investigations of seismicity (Rodríguez Uribe et al., 2013) have classified the earthquakes in four families Ceboruco considering the waveform and spectral features.

We present analysis included 57 days of seismicity from March to October 2012, in the period we located 97 events with arrivals of P and S waves clear, registered in at least three seasons, three components of the temporal network Ceboruco volcano.