A new global bathymetry map at 15 arcsecond resolution for resolving seafloor fabric: SRTM15_PLUS
Abyssal hills are the most common topographic features on theEarth yet they are not well resolved in the currently available global
topography/bathymetry maps at 30 arcsecond resolution (e.g.,
SRTM30_PLUS and GEBCO_08). To provide an improved mapping
of the seafloor fabric globally, we have used available sounding data
along with an improved global marine gravity model to develop at grid
at 15 arcsecond resolution (~500 m). Land elevations are based on
the best available data from SRTM, ASTER digital elevation models
while the ice topography of Greenland and Antarctica is based on
CryoSat-2 and IceSat. Ocean bathymetry is based on bathymetric
predictions from the latest global gravity model from CryoSat-2 and
Jason-1 along with 494 million carefully edited depth soundings at
15 arcsecond resolution. Bathymetry of the Arctic seafloor is based
on the IBCAO grid with improved resolution in areas of multibeam
coverage. We have used the bathymetry grid along with the
improved gravity to construct a global map of abyssal hill amplitude
and orientations and compare the orientations with predictions
from seafloor age gradient analysis. Areas of disagreement reveal
propagating rifts, microplates, and tectonic reorganizations. This
SRTM15_PLUS provides the foundational bathymetry layer for
Google Earth and is freely available at our ftp site (topex.ucsd.edu).