Implementation and Testing of an Improved Mathematical Framework for the Bayesian Infrasonic Source Localization Method

Thursday, 18 December 2014
Philip S. Blom, Stephen Arrowsmith and Omar E Marcillo, Los Alamos National Laboratory, Los Alamos, NM, United States
The Bayesian Infrasonic Source Localization (BISL) framework for estimating the location and time of an infrasonic event using distant observations was proposed in 2010 and expanded in 2013 to allow inclusion of propagation based priors. Recently, modifications to the mathematical framework have been made to remove redundancies in the parameter space and generalize the framework. Such modifications are aimed at improving the performance and efficiency of the method. This new mathematical formulation has been implemented using the Python scripting language and is planned to be included in the InfraPy software package alongside the existing detection and association methods. The details of the new mathematical framework and its implementation will be presented along with results of performance tests. IMS data has been used to evaluate the method at global distances and infrasound from the smaller scale explosions provides an opportunity to study regional performance.