Online Comparison of Precipitation Products during the GPM Era

Friday, 19 December 2014: 8:45 AM
Zhong Liu, George Mason University Fairfax, Center for Spatial Information Science and Systems (CSISS), Fairfax, VA, United States; NASA GSFC, Greenbelt, MD, United States
During the TRMM era, online services (http://disc.sci.gsfc.nasa.gov/precipitation/tovas) have been developed to facilitate intercomparison of TRMM and other global precipitation products. Through Giovanni TOVAS, users can conduct intercomparison of TMPA 3-hourly, daily and monthly products as well as other TRMM and climatology products in areas of interest without downloading data and software. In this presentation, samples of using the IPWG validation statistics will be presented. In addition, a new method will be presented to reveal the difference between two products at the grid point level over a selected time period, giving local information regarding how the two products perform at such level, compared to the regional approach on the IPWG web site. During the GPM era, the first implementation is to include the GPROF daily and monthly precipitation products in Giovanni TOVAS. For the time being, there are 9 GPROF products for the daily and monthly, respectively. Meanwhile, online services for comparing Level-2 data, such as TRMM TMI, PR and TCI will be prototyped because for multi-sensor products, such as TMPA or IMERG, the capability to compare Level-2 products is needed for further understanding of product differences. Examples of such activity will be presented as well.