Adaptive Urban Stormwater Management Using a Two-stage Stochastic Optimization Model

Thursday, 18 December 2014: 10:50 AM
Fengwei Hung1, Benjamin F. Hobbs1 and Arthur E McGarity2, (1)Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States, (2)Swarthmore College, Environmental Studies, Swarthmore, PA, United States
In many older cities, stormwater results in combined sewer overflows (CSOs) and consequent water quality impairments. Because of the expense of traditional approaches for controlling CSOs, cities are considering the use of green infrastructure (GI) to reduce runoff and pollutants. Examples of GI include tree trenches, rain gardens, green roofs, and rain barrels. However, the cost and effectiveness of GI are uncertain, especially at the watershed scale. We present a two-stage stochastic extension of the Stormwater Investment Strategy Evaluation (StormWISE) model (A. McGarity, JWRPM, 2012, 111-24) to explicitly model and optimize these uncertainties in an adaptive management framework. A two-stage model represents the immediate commitment of resources (“here & now”) followed by later investment and adaptation decisions (“wait & see”). A case study is presented for Philadelphia, which intends to extensively deploy GI over the next two decades (PWD, “Green City, Clean Water – Implementation and Adaptive Management Plan,” 2011).

After first-stage decisions are made, the model updates the stochastic objective and constraints (learning). We model two types of “learning” about GI cost and performance. One assumes that learning occurs over time, is automatic, and does not depend on what has been done in stage one (basic model). The other considers learning resulting from active experimentation and learning-by-doing (advanced model). Both require expert probability elicitations, and learning from research and monitoring is modelled by Bayesian updating (as in S. Jacobi et al., JWRPM, 2013, 534-43).

The model allocates limited financial resources to GI investments over time to achieve multiple objectives with a given reliability. Objectives include minimizing construction and O&M costs; achieving nutrient, sediment, and runoff volume targets; and community concerns, such as aesthetics, CO2 emissions, heat islands, and recreational values. CVaR (Conditional Value at Risk) and chance constraints are placed on the objectives to achieve desired confidence levels. By varying the budgets, reliability constraints, and priorities among other objectives, we generate a range of GI deployment strategies that represent tradeoffs among objectives as well as the confidence in achieving them.