Near-surface structure of the Central Scandinavian Caledonides in northern Trøndelag, Norway, from correlation of seismic and MT profiles using gravity and magnetic data

Wednesday, 17 December 2014: 9:30 AM
Joerg Ebbing1, Lena Goerigk1, Aziz Nasuti2, David Roberts2, Toivo Johannes Korja3 and Maxim Smirnov3, (1)University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany, (2)Geological Survey of Norway, Trondheim, Norway, (3)University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland
The deep geology of northern Trøndelag is somewhat speculative as the Central Scandinavian Caledonides are intersected by the Møre-Trøndelag Fault Complex (MTFC) and only a few depth-penetrating geophysical profiles exist. Here, we correlate the mapped geological units and faults between a seismic-reflection profile and a MT profile.

The seismic-reflection data were acquired in 5 segments over the period 1986-1990. The westernmost section of the seismic profile is dominated by a complex pattern of reflections and diffractions. This type of pattern is typical of polydeformed terranes with a mixture of contrasting felsic and mafic lithologies. The two steeply-dipping strands of the MTFC (Hitra-Snåsa and Verran faults) that transect the profile do not show any distinctive signature in the seismic data.

The MT data were acquired in 2007 from the Swedish border to the Norwegian coast. The conductivity profile shows some distinct vertical changes as well as changes from the near-surface to shallow depths. The strands of the MTFC show especially a distinctive change in conductivity.

The two profiles are almost parallel but separated by 100 km. To correlate the structures seen on both profiles, we have applied lineament analysis and 3D modelling of the gravity and magnetic field.

The tilt derivative of the magnetic and isostatic gravity anomaly clearly allows us to identify and link the main geological boundaries between the profiles and to trace the strands of the MTFC from one profile to the other. This trend analysis indicates that at least the Verran Fault visibly modifies the pattern of seismic reflections. However, the main change in crustal lithology occurs farther to the west, almost at the coast where the Tarva Fault intersects the MT profile.

This integrated analysis shows the benefit of combining gravity and magnetic interpretations with MT and seismic data to enable us to understand the near-surface geology and structure in more detail.