Carbonate Mineral Assemblages as Inclusions in Yakutian Diamonds: TEM Verifications

Friday, 19 December 2014
Alla M Logvinova, Siberian Brch Russian Acad, Novosibrisk, Russia, Richard Wirth, Helmholtz Centre Potsdam GFZ German Research Centre for Geosciences, Potsdam, Germany, Nikolai V Sobolev, V.S. Sobolev Institute of Geology and Mineralogy SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russia and Lawrence A Taylor, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN, United States

Carbonate mineral inclusions are quite rare in diamonds from the upper mantle, but are evidence for a carbonate abundance in the mantle. It is believed that such carbonatitic inclusions originated from high-density fluids (HDFs) that were enclosed in diamond during its growth. Using TEM and EPMA, several kinds of carbonate inclusions have been identified in Yakutian diamonds : aragonite, dolomite, magnesite, Ba-, Sr-, and Fe-rich carbonates. Most of them are represented by multi-phase inclusions of various chemically distinct carbonates, rich in Ca, Mg, and K and associated with minor amounts of silicate, oxide, saline, and volatile phases. Volatiles, leaving some porosity, played a significant role in the diamond growth.

A single crystal of aragonite (60μm) is herein reported for the first time. This inclusion is located in the center of a diamond from the Komsomolskaya pipe. Careful CL imaging reveals the total absence of cracks around the aragonite inclusion – i.e., closed system. This inclusion has been identified by X-ray diffraction and microprobe analysis.  At temperatures above 1000 0C, aragonite is only stable at high pressures of 5-6 GPa. Inside this aragonite, we observed nanocrystalline inclusions of titanite, Ni-rich sulfide, magnetite, water-bearing Mg-silicate, and fluid bubbles. Dolomite is common in carbonate multi-phase inclusions in diamonds from the Internatsionalnaya, Yubileinaya, and Udachnaya kimberlite pipes. Alluvial diamonds of the northeastern Siberian Platform are divided into two groups based on the composition of HDFs: 1) Mg-rich multi-phase inclusions (60% magnesite + dolomite + Fe-spinel + Ti-silicate + fluid bubbles); and 2) Ca-rich multi-phase inclusions (Ca,Ba-, Ca,Sr-, Ca,Fe-carbonates + Ti-silicate + Ba-apatite + fluid bubbles). High-density fluids also contain K. Volatiles in the fluid bubbles are represented by water, Cl, F, S, CO2, CH4, and heavy hydrocarbons. Origin of the second group of HDFs may be related to the non-silicate carbonatitic melt.

We consider the primary hydrous, Сa-rich and Mg-poor carbonate melts as having formed in subducted oceanic crust. Variations of carbonate-inclusion compositions among diamonds indicate the variability in the source media during the formation of diamond and may be the result of metasomatic interaction with host rocks.