Time lags of Hinode/XRT and SDO/AIA lightcurves from simulations of impulsive heating

Monday, 15 December 2014
Caroline Elizabeth Alexander1, Roberto Lionello2 and Amy R Winebarger1, (1)NASA Marshall Space Flight Center, Huntsville, AL, United States, (2)Predictive Science Incorporate, San Diego, CA, United States
We present results from a 1D hydrodynamic loop simulation of coronal loops of varying loops lengths. We apply an impulsive heating function, adjusting the heating rate so the apex temperature reaches roughly 10 MK. We run each simulation twice, once using a radiation function assuming coronal abundances and once using photospheric abundances The density and temperature from each simulation were used to calculate the expected lightcurves as seen by XRT/Be-thin and various AIA channels. The lag time between the peak of these lightcurves was then computed and plotted as a function of loop length. Initial results indicate that the long (>5000s) lags observed in the loops of active regions can only be reproduced using photospheric abudances and loop lengths that are longer than those observed.