A Nonextensive Statistical Physics Analysis of Seismicity in Greece: Frequency-Magnitude Distribution and Heat Flow
Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Georgios Papadakis1, Filippos Vallianatos1,2 and Peter R Sammonds1, (1)University College London, London, United Kingdom, (2)Technological Educational Institute of Crete, Chania, Greece
This study investigates seismicity in Greece based on the science of complex systems. The studied area is characterized mainly by active subduction and extensional tectonic features. The evolution of such tectonically active regions is expressed through seismicity and is characterized by complex phenomenology. Nonextensive statistical physics (NESP) is a generalization of Boltzmann-Gibbs statistical physics and has been successfully used for the analysis of a variety of complex systems, where fractality and long-range interactions are important. The frequency-magnitude distribution analysis is performed in a nonextensive statistical physics context. The nonextensive parameter qM, which is related to the frequency-magnitude distribution, reflects the existence of long-range correlations and is used as an index of the physical state of the studied area. Moreover, temperature distribution within the earth’s crust has important effects on the active tectonics and seismicity. The spatial distribution of the nonextensive thermostatistical parameter qM and the heat flow are examined regarding seismicity in Greece. Using them we try to decode the spatial characteristics of seismicity in Greece. The models used, fit rather well to the observed distributions, implying the usefulness of NESP in the investigation of seismicity and such phenomena where non linearity, long range interactions, long memory effects and scaling are important.