Using project life-cycles as guide for timing the archival of scientific data and supporting documentation
The NASA Earth Science Data Systems Working Groups (ESDSWG) focuses on improving technologies and processes related to science discovery and preservation. One particular group, the Data Preservation Practices, is defining a set of guidelines to aid data providers in planning both what to submit for archival, and when to submit artifacts, so that the archival process can begin early in the project's life cycle. This has the benefit of leveraging knowledge within the project before staff roll off to other work. In this poster we describe various project archival use cases and identify possible archival life cycles that map closely to the pace and flow of work.To understand "archival life cycles", i.e., distinct project phases that produce archival artifacts such as instrument capabilities, calibration reports, and science data products, the workig group initially mapped the archival requirements defined in the Preservation Content Specification to the typical NASA project life cycle. As described in the poster, this work resulted in a well-defined archival life cycle, but only for some types of projects; it did not fit well for condensed project life cycles experienced within airborne and balloon campaigns.
To understand the archival process for projects with compressed cycles, the working group gathered use cases from various communities. This poster will describe selected uses cases that provided insight into the unique flow of these projects, as well as proposing archival life cycles that map artifacts to projects with compressed timelines.
Finally, the poster will conclude with some early recommendations for data providers, which will be captured in a formal Guidelines document - to be published in 2015.