Climatological Studies of the Midlatitude and Equatorial Ionosphere Using DMSP and CINDI-C/NOFS Observations

Monday, 15 December 2014
Marc R Hairston, William Robin Coley, Russell Stoneback and Roderick A Heelis, Univ. of Texas at Dallas, Richardson, TX, United States
Both the DMSP series of spacecraft and the C/NOFS spacecraft carry thermal plasma instruments (SSIES on DMSP, CINDI on C/NOFS) that measure the ion flows, densities, temperatures, and composition in the ionosphere. The polar-orbiting DMSP spacecraft cover the entire Earth from +85 to -85 degrees latitude. Their orbits are fixed in local time, but because of the rotation of the Earth, all longitudes are covered by their observations. Meanwhile the C/NOFS spacecraft is in a 13 degree inclination equatorial orbit which enables it to make observations at all local times and longitudes combined. Combining these two data sets allows us to make observations of the climatological averages of the midlatitude and equatorial ionospheres. We present climatological work on selected overlapping periods of DMSP and CINDI-C/NOFS data between +60 and -60 degrees latitude during the solar maximum period of 2012-2013. This work shows systematic variations in these ion parameters, specifically the ion flows, as a function of longitude along with variations based on altitude and season. Ultimately this work will serve as a baseline model against which observations from storm-time disturbances can be compared.