How to Effect Change Through Cross-sector Collaboration

Tuesday, 16 December 2014: 9:15 AM
Raluca Ellis1, Karen Elinich1, Richard Johnson1, Lauren B Allen2, Kevin J Crowley2 and Elizabeth Bachrach3, (1)Franklin Institute, Philadelphia, PA, United States, (2)University of Pittsburgh Center for Learning in Out of School Environments, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, (3)Goodman Research Group, Cambridge, MA, United States
Collaboration is important for effecting large-scale changes, but it is difficult, time-consuming, and requires sustained effort on the part of all collaborating parties. Collaboration among organizations within a single sector (education, policy, or advocacy, for example) is easier than collaboration across sectors, where differences in language, expertise, expectations, and goals can be barriers to shared outcomes. Improving our collective response to climate change is an outcome shared across sectors, providing an opportunity for cross-sector collaboration. The Climate and Urban System Partnership is a network of cross-sector organizations in four cities, with each city forming a local Community of Practice, a group of learners coming together to try new things and learn from each other. We present findings from the first two years of this CCEP-II project, including results from learning sciences, evaluation, and design studies in Pittsburgh, New York, Washington, DC, and Philadelphia.