The Extracellular Matrix in Photosynthetic Mats: A Cyanobacterial Gingerbread House

Monday, 15 December 2014: 2:25 PM
Rhona Stuart1, Whitney Stannard1, Brad Bebout2, Jennifer Pett-Ridge1, Xavier Mayali1, Peter K Weber1, Mary Suzanne Lipton3, Jackson Lee2, R. Craig Everroad2 and Michael Thelen1, (1)Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Livermore, CA, United States, (2)NASA Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, United States, (3)Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Richland, WA, United States
Hypersaline laminated cyanobacterial mats are excellent model systems for investigating photoautotrophic contributions to biogeochemical cycling on a millimeter scale. These self-sustaining ecosystems are characterized by steep physiochemical gradients that fluctuate dramatically on hour timescales, providing a dynamic environment to study microbial response. However, elucidating the distribution of energy from light absorption into biomass requires a complete understanding of the various constituents of the mat. Extracellular polymeric substances (EPS), which can be composed of proteins, polysaccharides, lipids and DNA are a major component of these mats and may function in the redistribution of nutrients and metabolites within the community. To test this notion, we established a model mat-building culture for comparison with the phylogenetically diverse natural mat communities. In these two systems we determined how proteins and glycans in the matrix changed as a function of light and tracked nutrient flow from the matrix. Using mass spectrometry metaproteomics analysis, we found homologous proteins in both field and culture extracellular matrix that point to cyanobacterial turnover of amino acids, inorganic nutrients, carbohydrates and nucleic acids from the EPS. Other abundant functions identified included oxidative stress response from both the cyanobacteria and heterotrophs and cyanobacterial structural proteins that may play a role in mat cohesion. Several degradative enzymes also varied in abundance in the EPS in response to light availability, suggesting active secretion. To further test cyanobacterial EPS turnover, we generated isotopically-labeled EPS and used NanoSIMS to trace uptake of this labeled EPS. Our findings suggest Cyanobacteria may facilitate nutrient transfer to other groups, as well as uptake of their own products through degradation of EPS components. This work provides evidence for the essential roles of EPS for storage, structural cohesion and protection, with active light-dependent turnover by both Cyanobacteria and the heterotrophic community.