A Time Series of Sea Surface Nitrate and Nitrate based New Production in the Global Oceans

Wednesday, 17 December 2014: 5:45 PM
Joaquim I Goes1, Giulietta Sara Fargion1, Helga R Gomes2 and Bryan A Franz3, (1)Lamont -Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades, NY, United States, (2)Lamont Doherty Earth Obs, Palisades, NY, United States, (3)NASA Goddard Space Flight Center, Greenbelt, MD, United States
With support from NASA's MEaSUREs program, we are developing algorithms for two innovative satellite-based Earth Science Data Records (ESDRs), one Sea Surface Nitrate (SSN) and the other, Nitrate based new Production (NnP). Newly developed algorithms will be applied to mature ESDRs of Chlorophyll a and SST available from NASA, to generate maps of SSN and NnP. Our proposed ESDRs offer the potential of greatly improving our understanding of the role of the oceans in global carbon cycling, earth system processes and climate change, especially for regions and seasons which are inaccessible to traditional shipboard studies. They also provide an innovative means for validating and improving coupled ecosystem models that currently rely on global maps of nitrate generated from multi-year data sets. To aid in our algorithm development efforts and to ensure that our ESDRs are truly global in nature, we are currently in the process of assembling a large database of nutrients from oceanographic institutions all over the world. Once our products are developed and our algorithms are fine-tuned, large-scale data production will be undertaken in collaboration with NASA's Ocean Biology Processing Group (OPBG), who will make the data publicly available first as evaluation products and then as mature ESDRs.