Interdisciplinary Collaboration amongst Colleagues and between Initiatives with the Magnetics Information Consortium (MagIC) Database

Thursday, 18 December 2014
Rupert Minnett1,2, Anthony A P Koppers2, Nicholas Jarboe3, Lisa Tauxe3, Catherine Constable3, Lori Jonestrask3 and Ron Shaar3, (1)Cogense, Inc., Key Largo, FL, United States, (2)Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR, United States, (3)University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States
Earth science grand challenges often require interdisciplinary and geographically distributed scientific collaboration to make significant progress. However, this organic collaboration between researchers, educators, and students only flourishes with the reduction or elimination of technological barriers. The Magnetics Information Consortium ( is a grass-roots cyberinfrastructure effort envisioned by the geo-, paleo-, and rock magnetic scientific community to archive their wealth of peer-reviewed raw data and interpretations from studies on natural and synthetic samples. MagIC is dedicated to facilitating scientific progress towards several highly multidisciplinary grand challenges and the MagIC Database team is currently beta testing a new MagIC Search Interface and API designed to be flexible enough for the incorporation of large heterogeneous datasets and for horizontal scalability to tens of millions of records and hundreds of requests per second. In an effort to reduce the barriers to effective collaboration, the search interface includes a simplified data model and upload procedure, support for online editing of datasets amongst team members, commenting by reviewers and colleagues, and automated contribution workflows and data retrieval through the API. This web application has been designed to generalize to other databases in MagIC’s umbrella website ( so the Geochemical Earth Reference Model ( portal, Seamount Biogeosciences Network (, EarthRef Digital Archive ( and EarthRef Reference Database ( will benefit from its development.