A Neural-Network-Based Semi-Automated Geospatial Classification Tool

Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Robert Griffin Hale, University of Colorado at Boulder, Aerospace, Boulder, CO, United States and Ute C Herzfeld, Univ Colorado Boulder, Electrical, Computer and Energy Engineering, Boulder, CO, United States
North America's largest glacier system, the Bering Bagley Glacier System (BBGS) in Alaska, surged in 2011-2013, as shown by rapid mass transfer, elevation change, and heavy crevassing. Little is known about the physics controlling surge glaciers' semi-cyclic patterns; therefore, it is crucial to collect and analyze as much data as possible so that predictive models can be made. In addition, physical signs frozen in ice in the form of crevasses may help serve as a warning for future surges. The BBGS surge provided an opportunity to develop an automated classification tool for crevasse classification based on imagery collected from small aircraft. The classification allows one to link image classification to geophysical processes associated with ice deformation. The tool uses an approach that employs geostatistical functions and a feed-forward perceptron with error back-propagation. The connectionist-geostatistical approach uses directional experimental (discrete) variograms to parameterize images into a form that the Neural Network (NN) can recognize. In an application to preform analysis on airborne video graphic data from the surge of the BBGS, an NN was able to distinguish 18 different crevasse classes with 95 percent or higher accuracy, for over 3,000 images. Recognizing that each surge wave results in different crevasse types and that environmental conditions affect the appearance in imagery, we designed the tool's semi-automated pre-training algorithm to be adaptable. The tool can be optimized to specific settings and variables of image analysis: (airborne and satellite imagery, different camera types, observation altitude, number and types of classes, and resolution). The generalization of the classification tool brings three important advantages: (1) multiple types of problems in geophysics can be studied, (2) the training process is sufficiently formalized to allow non-experts in neural nets to perform the training process, and (3) the time required to manually pre-sort imagery into classes is greatly reduced.