Analysis of peak field strength and power of chorus mode waves measured by the Van Allen Probes

Wednesday, 17 December 2014: 8:32 AM
Scott R Bounds1, Craig Kletzing1, William S Kurth1, George B Hospodarsky1, John R Wygant2 and John W Bonnell3, (1)University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States, (2)University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, United States, (3)University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States
It has been demonstrated that chorus whistler mode waves are fundamentally important in the acceleration of the relativistic particles within the outer radiation belt and are equally important factor in the loss mechanism of the same particles. To properly model the radiation belts and these wave particle interactions it is necessary to define the distributions of the wave amplitudes and power. Some theories suggest the wave particle interaction processes are impulsive and therefore influenced more by the largest of wave field strengths, where as others indicate a more stochastic effect and are dictated by consistent wave power. Likely both variations are in effect, and therefore understanding the distributions and occurrences of both the largest amplitudes and wave power distributions are important. Utilizing 2 years of Van Allen Probes Magnetic and Electric field measurements from the EMFISIS instrument we investigate the occurrence statistics of the peak field strengths in the chorus waves and the average wave mode power.