Use of passive seismic data to characterize sedimentary basins, an example from the Vienna Basin, Austria.

Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Irene Bianchi, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria and Nicola Piana Agostinetti, Dublin Institute for Advanced Studies, Dublin, Ireland
The analysis of passive seismic data leads a deeper understanding of the basin features in those areas that have been less explored via direct drilling. In this study, we use the Receiver Functions technique that constrain the presence of impedance contrasts at depth, caused by lithology changes, and seismic anisotropy, possibly related to fluid-filled cracks or alignment of orientated mineral grains. We present some examples from broadband seismic stations located in the Vienna basin, on the horst structures and in the deep depocenters, which characterize the sedimentary basin.

Preliminary analysis of the high frequency (4Hz) RF data-set, show the presence of two close impedance contrasts, which presumably are related to the occurence of a thick sedimentary layer overlying a thinner limestone layer. Seismic anisotropy is recognized around the interface between sediments and limestones; the anisotropy is NE directed reflecting the NE alignment of the strike-slip fault system, which characterizes the area. The comparison of passive seismology with direct exploration improves the knowledge of the subsurface and adds new constraints on its geodynamical interpretation.