Thermal behavior of water confined in micro porous of clay mineral at additional pressure.

Monday, 15 December 2014
Yoshiharu Ito1, Takato Takemura2, Hiroki Fujimori3, Atsushi Nagoe4 and Takayuki Sugimoto3, (1)Nihon University, Graduate School of Integrated Basic Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, (2)Nihon University, Department of Geosystem Sciences, Humanities and Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, (3)Nihon University, Department of Chemistry, Humanities and Sciences, Tokyo, Japan, (4)Osaka University, Graduate School of Science, School of Science, Osaka, Japan
Water is the most familiar substance. However water has specific properties that has a crystal structure of a dozen and density of that is maximum at 277.15 K. Therefore it understands various natural phenomena to study physical properties of water. Oodo et al study physical properties of water confined in silica gel [1]. They indicate that melting point of water confined in silica gel decrease with decreasing pore size of silica gel. Also in case that pore size is less than 2 nm, water confined in silica gel is unfreezing water at low temperature. It is considered that effect of pore size prevent crystal growth of water. Therefore we are interested in water confined in clay minerals. Clay minerals have a number of water conditions. Also it is thought that water confined in clay minerals show different physical behavior to exist the domain where change with various effect. Therefore we studied a thermal properties and phase behavior of absorption water in clay minerals. In addition, we analyzed the changes in the thermal behavior of absorption water due to the effect of earth pressure that was an environmental factor in the ground.

[1] Oodo & Fujimori, J. Non-Cryst. Solids, 357 (2011) 683.