Northern control of Southern Source Water deglacial circulation in Rockall Trough, N.E. Atlantic.

Monday, 15 December 2014: 4:45 PM
I.N. Nicholas McCave, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, Fiona D Hibbert, University of Southampton, Southampton, SO14, United Kingdom, James E T Channell, University of Florida, Ft Walton Beach, FL, United States and William E N Austin, University of St Andrews, School of Geography & Geosciences, St Andrews, United Kingdom
Core MD04-2822 from northern Rockall Trough at 2300 m water depth contains a high resolution record of changes in the vigour of the deep circulation determined by variation in the Sortable Silt mean size (SS) over the period 21-0 ka (LGM to present). The record has excellent age control from C-14 and correlation of Np(s) to Greenland ice cores (NGRIP GICC05 scale) (Hibbert et al., 2010, JQS, Austin & Hibbert, 2012, QSR). The record displays a slowdown in deep circulation from 20 to 17.5ka, a faster H-1a and slower H-1b (16.4-14.7 ka), a faster B-A with evident slowing at Older Dryas and IACP, and slow YD. The Holocene shows slower flows around 8.4-7.5, 6.3-5.5 and 3.5 -2.7 ka as well as the Little Ice Age. The a/b differentiation of the Heinrich event is mirrored by changes in d18O at NGRIP with boundaries at 17.8 and 16.3 ka on GICC05 tentatively correlated with H-1b.

Benthic Carbon isotope (d13C) variations and values are very similar to those found at 3150 m water depth off Portugal (Skinner & Shackleton, 2004, PaleO), where Shackleton et al (2000, PaleO) show that the water mass is strongly SSW influenced in both warm and cold periods. At the present day there is evidence of SSW (LDW of McCartney, 1992 Progr in O) in Rockall Trough from silicate values greater than those of NE Atlantic Deep water of northern overflow origin. We suggest that bottom water in the Trough during deglaciation contained a major component of southern origin. This is consistent with suggested upper bounds of SSW at ~2000 m elsewhere in the N. Atlantic. This water appears to have responded dynamically to northern hemisphere climatic forcing, although supplied from around Antarctica. In this, its behaviour is similar to the changes in circulation vigour recorded by Pa/Th at 4500 m on Bermuda Rise that must also have been dominated by SSW (McManus et al., 2004, Nature)

The κARM/κ grain size parameter reflecting fine magnetite grain size proxy which is sensitive to grain sizes well below the SS range indicates progressive fining of magnetic grain size across the Termination, in contrast to the highly variable sortable silt mean size changes. The magnetic grain-size parameter probably reflects deglacial variations in sediment source from Scotland and Ireland and is not related to flow vigour as some have contended.