Heterogeneous Reaction of SO2 on Authentic Mineral Dusts: Effects of Relative Humidity and H2O2

Monday, 15 December 2014
Liubin Huang1, Huan Li1, Yue Zhao2 and Zhongming Chen1, (1)Peking University, Beijing, China, (2)University of California Irvine, Irvine, CA, United States
Sulfur dioxide (SO2) is a significant precursor of sulfuric acid and sulfate aerosols in the atmosphere. Field and model studies have revealed that heterogeneous reaction on mineral dusts seem to be an important sink for SO2. However, available kinetic data about heterogeneous reaction of SO2 on authentic mineral dusts are scarce and are mainly limited at low humidity relative (RH). In addition, hydrogen peroxide (H2O2), which is the predominant oxidant of SO2 in the aqueous phase, may be able to promote the heterogeneous oxidation of SO2 on mineral dusts, but little is known about this role that H2O2 may play. In this study, we investigated the uptake kinetics of SO2 on authentic mineral dusts in the absence and presence of H2O2 at different RHs using a filter-based reactor. Three different authentic mineral dusts, i.e., Asian dust storm particles (ADS), Arizona test dust (ATD) and Tengger Desert sand (TDS), were used. The initial gas phase concentration of SO2 and H2O2 is about 5 ppbv and 0.8 ppbv, respectively, the typical concentration in the atmosphere. The values of uptake coefficients, γBET, on these particles are on the order of 10-5 under dry condition. Interestingly, with increasing RH, the γBET decreases on ADS particles, but increases on ATD and TDS particles. The difference in the mineralogy composition of these dust samples seems to rationalize the discrepancy in SO2 uptake. Furthermore, it is found that the presence of H2O2 increases the γBET by 45-90% on ADS, 45-150% on ATD and 40%-105% on TDS as RH increases 0 to 90%. One possible explanation for the observed behavior are that H2O2 can immediately react with SO2 on the surface of mineral dusts. Our results suggest that the role of heterogeneous reaction on mineral dusts as a sink of SO2 or a source of sulfate in the atmosphere may be underestimated due to the excluding of the enhancement effect of H2O2 in current atmospheric models.