Open Source Seismic Software in NOAA’s Next Generation Tsunami Warning System

Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Sidney B Hellman1, Ben I Baker1, Michael Turner Hagerty1, Jeffrey M Leifer1, Stefan Lisowski1, Dylan A Thies1, Brian K Donnelly2 and Frank P Griffith3, (1)Instrumental Software Technologies, Inc. (ISTI), Saratoga Springs, NY, United States, (2)Earth Resources Technology (ERT), Laurel, MD, United States, (3)Raytheon Company Omaha, Omaha, NE, United States
The Tsunami Information technology Modernization (TIM) is a project spearheaded by National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to update the United States' Tsunami Warning System software currently employed at the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center (Eva Beach, Hawaii) and the National Tsunami Warning Center (Palmer, Alaska). This entirely open source software project will integrate various seismic processing utilities with the National Weather Service Weather Forecast Office's core software, AWIPS2.

For the real-time and near real-time seismic processing aspect of this project, NOAA has elected to integrate the open source portions of GFZ's SeisComP 3 (SC3) processing system into AWIPS2. To provide for better tsunami threat assessments we are developing open source tools for magnitude estimations (e.g., moment magnitude, energy magnitude, surface wave magnitude), detection of slow earthquakes with the Theta discriminant, moment tensor inversions (e.g. W-phase and teleseismic body waves), finite fault inversions, and array processing.

With our reliance on common data formats such as QuakeML and seismic community standard messaging systems, all new facilities introduced into AWIPS2 and SC3 will be available as stand-alone tools or could be easily integrated into other real time seismic monitoring systems such as Earthworm, Antelope, etc. Additionally, we have developed a template based design paradigm so that the developer or scientist can efficiently create upgrades, replacements, and/or new metrics to the seismic data processing with only a cursory knowledge of the underlying SC3.