A New Windows-based Program for Analyzing Groundwater Rebound in Abandoned Mines

Thursday, 18 December 2014
Lee sung Jae1, Yosoon Choi1 and Huiuk Yi2, (1)Pukyong National University, Busan, South Korea, (2)Seoul National University, Seoul, South Korea
This study presents a new Windows-based program based on GRAM(Groundwater Rebound in Abandoned Mineworkings) model which can analyze the groundwater rebound in abandoned mines. The program consists of the graphic user interface and the simulation engine modules. Intel Parallel Studio XE 2013 and Visual Studio.NET 2010 were used to effectively implement the graphic user interface and the simulation engine modules. The standard formats of input and output files were designed by considering the characteristics of GRAM model. We carried out a case study to analyze groundwater rebound at the Dongwon coal mine, Korea. As a result, we could know that the developed program can provide useful information for predicting the groundwater rebound in abandoned mines.