eWaterCycle: Live Demonstration of an Operational Hyper Resolution Global Hydrological Model

Wednesday, 17 December 2014: 5:15 PM
Niels Drost1, Edwin Sutanudjaja2, Rolf Hut3, Maarten van Meersbergen1, Gennadii Donchyts4, Marc FP Bierkens5 and Nick Van De Giesen6, (1)Netherlands eScience Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, (2)Utrecht University, Utrecht, 3584, Netherlands, (3)Delft University of Technology, Delft, Netherlands, (4)Deltares, Delft, 2629, Netherlands, (5)Utrecht University, Department of Physcial Geography, Utrecht, Netherlands, (6)Delft University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering and Geosciences, Delft, 5612, Netherlands
The eWaterCycle project works towards running an operational hyper-resolution hydrological global model, assimilating incoming satellite data in real time, and making 14 day predictions of floods and droughts.

In our approach, we aim to re-use existing models and techniques as much as possible, and make use of standards and open source software wherever we can. To couple the different parts of our system we use the Basic Model Interface (BMI) as developped in the CSDMS community.

Starting point of the eWaterCycle project was the PCR-GLOBWB model built by Utrecht University. The software behind this model has been partially re-engineered in order to enable it to run in a High Performance Computing (HPC) environment, and to be able to interface using BMI, and run on multiple compute nodes in parallel. The final aim is to have a spatial resolution of 1km x 1km, (currently 10 x 10km).

For the data assimilation we make heavy use of the OpenDA system. This allows us to make use of different data assimilation techniques without the need to implement these from scratch. We have developped a BMI adaptor for OpenDA, allowing OpenDA to use any BMI compatible model. As a data assimilation technique we currently use an Ensemble Kalman Filter, and are working on a variant of this technique optimized for HPC environments.

One of the next steps in the eWaterCycle project is to couple the model with a hydrodynamic model. Our system will start a localized simulation on demand based on triggers in the global model, giving detailed flow and flood forecasting in support of navigation and disaster management.

We will show a live demo of our system, including real-time integration of satellite data.