
Thursday, 18 December 2014
Vadim Monteiller1, Stephen Beller1, Stéphane Operto1, Tarje Nissen-Meyer2, Josue Tago Pacheco3 and Jean Virieux4, (1)GeoAzur, Valbonne, France, (2)University of Oxford, Department of Earth Sciences, Oxford, United Kingdom, (3)Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, (4)University Joseph Fourier Grenoble, Grenboble, France
The massive development of dense seismic arrays and the rapid increase in computing capacity allow today to consider application of full waveform inversion of teleseismic data for high-resolution lithospheric imaging. We present an hybrid numerical method that allows for the modelling
of short period teleseismic waves in 3D lithospheric target with both the discontinuous Galerkin finite elements method and finite difference method, opening the possibility to perform waveform inversion of seismograms recorded by dense regional broadband arrays.

However, despite the supercomputer ability, the forward-problem remains expensive at global scale for teleseismic configuration especially when 3D numerical methods are considered. In order to perform the forward problem in a reasonable amount of time, we reduce the computational domain in which full waveform modelling is performed. We define a 3D regional domain located below the seismological network that is embedded in a homogeneous background or axisymmetric model, in which the seismic wavefield can be computed efficiently.

The background wavefield is used to compute the full wavefield in the 3D regional domain using the so-called total-field/scattered-field technique. This method relies on the decomposition of the wavefield into a background and a scattered wavefields. The computational domain is subdivided into three sub-domains: an outer domain formed by the perfectly-matched absorbing layers, an intermediate domain in which only the outgoing wavefield scattered by the lithospheric heterogeneities is computed, and the inner domain formed by the lithospheric target in which the full wavefield is computed.

In this study, we shall present simulations in realistic lithospheric target when the axisymetric background
wavefield is computed with the AxiSEM softwave and the 3D simulation in lithospheric target model is performed with the discontinuous Galerkin or finite difference method.