The trend of selected stratospheric parameters using MERRA reanalysis and CCM models
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Michal Kozubek1,2, Eugene Rozanov3 and Peter Krizan2, (1)Charles University, Prague, 180, Czech Republic, (2)Institute of Atmospheric Physics ACSR, Praha 4, Czech Republic, (3)PMOD WRC Physical Meteorological Observatory Davos and World Radiation Center, Davos Dorf, Switzerland
This study is focused on the variability and trends of temperature and circulation characteristics (zonal and meridional wind component) in connection with solar cycle variation in the stratosphere and lower mesosphere. We consider the interactions between tropospheric/stratospheric phenomena, e.g. solar cycle, QBO, NAO or ENSO using multiple linear techniques. The analysis was applied to the period 1979-2012 based on the current reanalysis data, including the MERRA reanalysis dataset (Modern Era Retrospective-analysis for Research and Applications), and on the output of the model CCM SOCOL v3.0 or other CCMs for pressure levels: 1000 – 0.1 hPa. We are looking for trends and their statistical significance for temperature and wind components zonal averages in the selected period to explain the influence of selected phenomena to the stratosphere or lower mesosphere as well as comparison between geographic distribution of meridional wind for reanalysis and selected models.