Locating narrow bipolar events with single-station measurement of low-frequency magnetic fields
Monday, 15 December 2014
HB Zhang1, Gaopeng Lu2 and Ye Tian1, (1)IAP Insititute of Atmospheric Physics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, (2)Institute of Atmospheric Physics, CAS, Beijing, China
We develop an approach to locate narrow bipolar events (NBEs) through the measurement of low-frequency (LF) magnetic fields at a single station. The direction finding of a two-axis magnetic sensor provides the azimuth of NBEs relative to the measurement station, and the temporal information contained in the reflected waves of NBEs in the Earth-ionosphere waveguide provides constraints on the range and height (by adopting the typical value for the height of ionosphere at daytime/nighttime); the curvature of Earth is taken into account with some empirical relationship derived from the numerical simulation. We applied the method to the LF data recorded on three days during the summer season of 2013, and the results are evaluated by comparing with the radar observation of thunderstorms. The new data recorded in summer of 2014 will also be examined by comparing the location result with that derived from a long-baseline network of LF magnetic sensors using the time-of-arrival technique.