Comparison of Electromagnetic Field Signatures in Regions of Dispersive and Quasi-Static Electron Precipitation During the GREECE Sounding Rocket Flight
Comparison of Electromagnetic Field Signatures in Regions of Dispersive and Quasi-Static Electron Precipitation During the GREECE Sounding Rocket Flight
Monday, 15 December 2014
The NASA GREECE (Ground-to-Rocket Electrodynamics-Electrons Corelative Experiment) sounding rocket flew through two regions of electron precipitation associated with dynamic visual aurora on 03 Mar 2014. The first weaker precipitation region showed evidence of energy-time dispersion in the softer and weaker electron precipitation, while the later precipitation region showed evidence of quasi-static monoenergetic peaks in the somewhat harder precipitating electron spectra.Comparisons between the observed electromagnetic (EM) field (quasi-DC) and wave properties (0.1-8 kHz) in the two precipitation regions will be shown, including: measured plasma density; estimated spectral densities of E and B; derived polarization, cross-spectral phase and coherence, and parallel Poynting flux.
The measured EM field parameters will be compared against extant models of static and dynamic coupling of the high- and low-altitude ionosphere in regions of active small-scale auroral features and precipitation to discriminate between viable models of the two sorts of auroral precipitation and acceleration.