Joint Inversion of 1995 -2001 Ground Deformation Data and Gravity Changes Observed at Mt. Etna: New Insight Into the Shallow Plumbing System

Wednesday, 17 December 2014: 4:45 PM
Jose Fernandez1, Antonio G. Camacho1, Daniele Carbone2, Alessandro Bonforte2, Francesco Guglielmino2 and Giuseppe Puglisi2, (1)Instituto de Geociencias, Madrid, Spain, (2)INGV National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Catania, Italy
Simultaneous inversion of time series of gravity, GPS and A-DInSAR displacement data covering the 1995-2001 period is performed using a scheme that employes bodies with a 3D free geometry to determine the best-fitting geometrical configuration of pressure and density sources. Results provided new insight into the shallow Etnean plumbing system. The presence of inflation pressure sources in the northwestern flank, is highlight at depths of 4-6 km, while an anomalous mass body located in a shallower position is detected below the SE flank. Mass increases and decreases are observed without significant associated deformation. The neat separation between mass and pressure sources is a key feature to understand the processes which controlled the activity of Mt Etna during the studied period.