Global Distribution of Chorus Wave Intensity Directly Measured By Van Allen Probes and Themis and Inferred from Poes Electron Measurements

Wednesday, 17 December 2014: 8:00 AM
Wen Li1, Richard M Thorne1, Binbin Ni2, Jacob Bortnik1, Craig Kletzing3, William S Kurth3, George B Hospodarsky3, Vassilis Angelopoulos4 and Janet C Green5, (1)UCLA, Los Angeles, CA, United States, (2)Wuhan University of Technology, Wuhan, China, (3)Univ. of Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States, (4)University of California Los Angeles, Los Angeles, CA, United States, (5)GeoSynergy, Golden, CO, United States
Whistler-mode chorus waves play a fundamental role in accelerating seed electrons to highly relativistic energies, as well as causing energetic electron precipitation into the upper atmosphere. Using newly available Van Allen Probes wave data and THEMIS high-resolution wave data, which provide extensive coverage in the entire inner magnetosphere, we construct an empirical global model of chorus wave intensity categorized by various levels of geomagnetic activity. Recently, we have developed a physics-based technique of linking chorus wave intensity and two-directional electron fluxes (30-100 keV) measured at the conjugate low altitudes by POES satellites to show that the inferred chorus wave intensity provides reasonable estimates on the averaged chorus wave intensity. We apply these two different methods, namely (1) the empirical chorus wave model dependent on geomagnetic activity, and (2) the inferred chorus wave intensity from two-directional POES electron measurements, to a few interesting events and evaluate their performance by comparing against in-situ observations of chorus wave intensity from Van Allen Probes and THEMIS. The developed global chorus wave model is critical in quantitatively evaluating the role of chorus waves in radiation belt and ring current electron dynamics.