BARREL Microbursts Precipitation Data Analysis
BARREL Microbursts Precipitation Data Analysis
Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Relativistic electron microbursts is one the precipitation processes that account for significantrelativistic electron loss. During BARREL(Balloon Array Relativistic Electron Loss) campaign 2013, 2014,
several microbursts precipitations were observed by multiple balloons. even though all events are relatively "soft" -
e-folding energy are less than 100KeV, two events are of special interests, first event happened at Jan 20, 2013
the balloon obvserved the events was in conjuction with RBSP Satellite; which pprovide an unique oppotunity
for correlation study to identify the precipitation source. the second event happened at Feb. 2nd was detected
by two balloons seperated by two hundred miles away simultaneously. from their correlations, we could estimitate
the scope and flux of the microbursts precipitation. Here we present X-ray spectral data analysis for BARREL
observed microbursts events, especially focused on the two events specified above.