The Multiphase Rheology of Andesitic Magmas from the 1.9ka Eruption of Turrialba Volcano (Costa Rica)

Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Alessandro Vona1, Andrea Di Piazza2, Claudia Romano1, Gianfilippo De Astis2 and Gerardo Javier Soto3, (1)Roma Tre University, Science, Rome, Italy, (2)National Institute of Geophysics and Volcanology, Roma 1, Rome, Italy, (3)Organization Not Listed, Washington, DC, United States
We present a study of high-temperature, uniaxial deformation experiments of natural magma from an andesitic eruption of Turrialba volcano (1.9ka Plinian eruption). The aim of this work is to investigate the multiphase rheology (liquid+vesicles+crystals) of natural samples and the effect of vesicles and crystals on the magma viscosity. The experiments were performed using a high-temperature uniaxial Geocomp LoadTrac II press at dry atmospheric conditions and controlled deformation rates. Cores of natural sample (with Φcrys=0.20-0.30 and Φves=0.41-0.58) were deformed isothermally (790–870°C) at variable strain rates (VSR, from 10-6 to 10-4 s-1) and constant strain rate (CSR, 10-5 s-1). VSR were performed at low total amount of strain (e<0.10) to parameterize the flow behavior of these complex natural materials. The stress-strain rate relationships under flow conditions showed a linear trend between the applied stress and strain rate in the temperature interval investigated. All the samples display a steep linear trend, typical of Newtonian fluids (n index ~ 1), with a very small shear thinning behavior. CSR tests were performed at different total amount of strain (e=0.15-0.25-0.35). Strain hardening was observed with increasing deformation, resulting in an increase of apparent viscosity (up to 100.5 Pa s). This increase is related to the loss of total porosity (up to ΔΦves=0.15) due to compaction of the sample as indicated by post-run analyses . The measured multiphase rheology of Turrialba magmas was compared with literature models for both crystal- and bubble-bearing suspension. We calculate a difference of ~101 Pa s in magma apparent viscosity between high and low density samples, that coupled with a lateral temperature gradient inside the conduit of the volcano, could increase up to ~103 Pa s. The large difference in viscosity could be responsible of significant rheological contrasts, possibly resulting in strain localization and brittle fragmentation of magma.