Targeting Nitrous Oxide Reduction Efforts Using Crop-Specific, High-Resolution Emission Estimates from Synthetic Fertilizer

Tuesday, 16 December 2014
James S Gerber1, Paul C West1, Kimberly M Carlson1, Iñaki Garcia de Cortazar-Atauri2, Marie Launay2, David Makowski3, Nathaniel D Mueller4 and Christine O'Connell1, (1)University of Minnesota Twin Cities, Minneapolis, MN, United States, (2)INRA Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur, Avignon, France, (3)INRA Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Paris Cedex 07, France, (4)Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States
Changes in global weather patterns are projected to have important impacts on regional food security. These impacts can be substantial, but how do they compare to other drivers of food supply vulnerability, including decreasing stocks, changing trade patterns, concentration of production, and changing demand patterns? We use multi-year global datasets of yield and area for staple crops to assess relationships between metrics of drought derived from high-resolution gridded weather data and crop yields. We then evaluate how these metrics are changing over time, and compare the resulting change in the likelihood of regional yield reduction events to other systemic factors.