Scientist engagement in NGSS-related professional development: the role of subject-matter experts in implementing the Next-Generation Science Standards

Thursday, 18 December 2014: 3:10 PM
Matthew A Rogers, Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO, United States
Implementation of the Next-Generation Science Standards (NGSS) will require a significant commitment from instructors in the K-12 arena to mastering a broad area of subject matter. In particular, this presentation focuses on weather- and climate-related areas in the NGSS, specifically fifth- and sixth-grade standards (MS-ESS5-2 and MS-ESS2-6, respectively) and the requirements of a teacher to connect both observations and model development to complex atmospheric concepts to satisfy the standards. Involving scientists as subject-matter experts in professional development modules designed to address the NGSS standards can greatly improve instructor understanding of the necessary material. 

Results from extant teacher development workshops developed by the Cooperative Institute for Research in the Atmosphere at Colorado State University, using the Colorado fifth-grade state standards for weather and climate (which are materially similar to the NGSS standards), are demonstrated, focusing on knowledge transfer and follow-up with educators. Efforts to maintain contact and continue scientist-instructor relationship post-workshop are detailed, as well as challenges faced implementing workshops. Possible best-practices guidelines that would extend to other fields of research germane to NGSS standards are discussed as well.