A Stable Geodetic Reference Frame within the COCONET Footprint to Enable High-Accuracy Ground Deformation Study

Monday, 15 December 2014
Hanlin Liu, Guoquan Wang and Jiangbo Yu, University of Houston, Houston, TX, United States
COCONET(Continuously Operating Caribbean GPS Observational Network) is a multidisciplinary research infrastructure focused on improving the ability to understand, predict, and prepare for multiple natural hazards in the Caribbean, Central America, and Northern Andes. GPS data alone cannot provide accurate ground deformation information over time and space. A precise regional reference frame is needed in interpolating GPS observations to address regional and local ground deformations. Failure to use a precise reference frame would cause unintended negative consequences. The mainly purpose of this study is to establish a stable geodetic reference frame within the COCONet footprint (abbreviated as “COCONet-RF”) and to provide positional time series and velocities (relative to COCONet-RF) of all permanent GPS stations within the COCONet footprint to the public. The GIPSY software package was used to calculate position within IGS08. The local reference frame was realized by a 14-parameter Helmert transformation technique. It will be periodically updated in order to synchronize with the update of the IGS reference frame.

This stable COCONer-RF would provide a higher accuracy geodetic infrastructure for delineating the magnitude and spatial and temporal variations of ground deformations associated with landslides, faulting, subsidence, and volcanoes. Researchers who are not familiar with GPS data processing and reference transformation will be able to directly integrate COCONET products into their specific research.