The Automated Dynamic Directed Evolution Chamber: A Tool for Studying Extremophile-Environment Interactions in Real Time

Monday, 15 December 2014
Nathan Wong1, Joseph M Grace2, Jeffrey Liang1, Stephanie Owyang3, Aaron Storrs3, Justin Zhou1, Lynn J Rothschild4 and Diana Gentry4, (1)San Jose State University, San Jose, CA, United States, (2)NASA Ames Research Center, Education Associates Program, Moffett Field, CA, United States, (3)University of California Santa Cruz, Santa Cruz, CA, United States, (4)NASA Ames Research Center, Biospheric Science Branch, Moffett Field, CA, United States
Life acclimated to harsh conditions is frequently difficult to study using normal lab techniques and conventional equipment. Simplified studies using in-lab 'simulated' extreme environments, such as UV bulbs or cold blocks, are manually intensive, error-prone, and lose many complexities of the microbe/environment interaction.
We have built a prototype instrument to address this dilemma by allowing automated iterations of microbial cultures to be subject to combinations of modular environmental pressures such as heat, radiation, and chemical exposure. The presence of multiple sensors allows the state of the culture and internal environment to be continuously monitored and adjusted in response.

Our first prototype showed successful iterations of microbial growth and thermal exposure. Our second prototype, presented here, performs an demonstration of repeated exposure of Escherichia coli to ultraviolet radiation, a well-established procedure. As the E. coli becomes more resistant to ultraviolet radiation, the device detects their increased survival and growth and increases the dosage accordingly. Calibration data for the instrument was generated by performing the same proof-of-concept exposure experiment, at a smaller scale, by hand.

Current performance data indicates that our finalized instrument will have the ability to run hundreds of iterations with multiple selection pressures. The automated sensing and adaptive exposure that the device provides will inform the challenges of managing and culturing life tailored to uncommon environmental stresses.

We have designed this device to be flexible, extensible, low-cost and easy to reproduce. We hope that it enter wide use as a tool for conducting scalable studies of the interaction between extremophiles and multiple environmental stresses, and potentially for generating artificial extremophiles as analogues for life we might find in extreme environments here on Earth or elsewhere.