A Science-Faith Partnership to Provide Education and Facilitate Action on Climate Change and Energy Use

Tuesday, 16 December 2014: 12:05 PM
Jason M Cervenec, Byrd Polar Research Center, Columbus, OH, United States, Greg Hitzhusen, School of Environment & Natural Resources - The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States, Sara Ward, Ohio Interfaith Power & Light, Columbus, OH, United States and Craig Foster, Foster Energy Management Co., Columbus, OH, United States
In 2009, the Byrd Polar Research Center (BPRC) and Ohio Interfaith Power and Light (OhIPL) collaborated on a climate change education summit for scientists and clergy. Since that first program, a robust partnership has been nurtured where researchers at the center regularly contribute to events within the faith community. In 2014 alone, BPRC supported OhIPL in hosting a Teach-In event on climate change before a live audience that was simultaneously broadcast to three remote sites across Ohio; a State of the Climate event at the Ohio Statehouse that featured presentations by a scientist, a policymaker, and a member of the faith community; and an Earthkeeping Summit to bring together members of the faith community from across Ohio. OhIPL has helped BPRC fulfill one of our mission objectives of communicating science to a broad community. OhIPL engages houses of worship of all denominations through faith and education with a goal of moving them towards actions that reduce energy consumption. Houses of worship take actions for various reasons - including creation care, concerns of social justice related to climate change, or a desire to save money through building efficiency.