The role of time-domain structures in precipitating electrons: conjugate measurements by Van Allen Probes and the Canadian array of all-sky imagers

Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Solène Lejosne, Forrest Mozer and Oleksiy V Agapitov, University of California Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States
High-time resolution measurements by the Van Allen Probes have revealed large numbers of time-domain structures (double layers, electron holes, non-linear whistlers, etc.) in Earth’s radiation belts. These very short duration parallel electric field spikes contribute to accelerate electrons along magnetic field lines, which raises the question of their roles regarding electron precipitation into the atmosphere. Currently, the interaction with lower-band chorus waves at the magnetic equator is the most favored candidate for explaining energetic electron precipitation and the resulting auroral emissions. In an attempt to discern the requirements for electron precipitation, we use conjugate, high-time resolution, time domain recordings from Van Allen Probes and the Canadian array of all-sky imagers. We report on the correlation of auroral light emissions and time-domain structures alone, whistlers alone, and time-domain structures and whistlers together.