EBMUD Drought Planning Put to the Test in 2014

Tuesday, 16 December 2014: 8:30 AM
Ben S Bray, East Bay Municipal Utility District, Oakland, CA, United States
The East Bay Municipal Utility District faced challenges in the unprecedented 2014 drought managing limited supplies to reliably serve its customers. The District's successful drought planning required a multi-faceted plan to preserve a reliable water supply, now and into the future. Planning has included investments in recycled water projects, passive and active customer conservation programs, and pursuit of alternative water supply options. EBMUD’s drought planning efforts have been tested in 2014 when California experienced one of the driest years on record and the 2nd driest year in the Mokelumne Watershed, the source of 90% of the District’s water supply. This presentation will highlight the effectiveness of drought planning in three areas: (1) implementing 10% water conservation as of July 2014, (2) the securing of nearly 20TAF of supplemental water supply conveyed through the Freeport Regional Water Project, and (3) operating EBMUD’s Mokelumne River Project to meet fishery flow and water quality objectives.