Mathematical Equivalence Between Time-dependent Single-Rate and Multi-Rate Mass Transfer Models

Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Daniel Fernandez-Garcia and Xavier Sanchez-Vila, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain
The observed non-Fickian tailing in solute breakthrough curves is often caused by a multitude of mass transfer
processes taking place over multiple scales. Yet, in some cases it is convenient to fit a transport model with a
single-rate mass transfer coefficient that lumps all the non-Fickian observed behavior. Since mass transfer processes
take place at all characteristic times, the single-rate mass transfer coefficient derived from measurements in the
laboratory or in the field vary with time, β(t). In this context, we present a mathematical equivalence between the Multi-Rate
Mass Transfer Model (MRMT) and an effective time-dependent single-rate mass transfer model (t-SRMT). In doing this, we provide new
insights into the previously observed scale-dependence of mass transfer coefficients. The memory function, g(t),
which is the most salient feature of the MRMT model, determines the influence of the past values of concentrations on
its present state. We found that the t-SRMT model can also be expressed by means of a memory function
φ(t,s). In this case though the memory function is non-stationary, meaning that in general it cannot be
written as φ(t-s). Nevertheless, the concentration breakthrough curves obtained using an effective single time-dependent
rate β(t) is analogous to that of the MRMT model provided that a simple equality holds. This
relationship suggests that when the memory function is a power law, g(t)~ t1-m, the equivalent mass transfer
coefficient scales as β(t)~ t-1. A result that explains the scaling exponent of the mass transfer coefficient reported by the literature review and tracer experiments of Haggerty et
al. [2004] of -0.94.