Incorporating Natural Capital into Climate Adaptation Planning: Exploring the Role of Habitat in Increasing Coastal Resilience

Wednesday, 17 December 2014: 11:40 AM
Lisa Wedding1, Eric Henry Hartge1, Greg Guannel2, Molly Melius1, Sarah M Reiter1, Mary Ruckelshaus2, Anne Guerry2 and Margaret Caldwell1, (1)Center for Ocean Solutions, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford, CA, United States, (2)Natural Capital Project, Stanford Woods Institute for the Environment, Stanford, CA, United States
To support decision-makers in their efforts to manage coastal resources in a changing climate the Natural Capital Project and the Center for Ocean Solutions are engaging in, informing, and helping to shape climate adaptation planning at various scales throughout coastal California. Our team is building collaborations with regional planners and local scientific and legal experts to inform local climate adaptation decisions that might minimize the economic and social losses associated with rising seas and more damaging storms. Decision-makers are considering engineered solutions (e.g. seawalls), natural solutions (e.g. dune or marsh restoration), and combinations of the two. To inform decisions about what kinds of solutions might best work in specific locations, we are comparing alternate climate and adaptation scenarios. We will present results from our use of the InVEST ecosystem service models in Sonoma County, with an initial focus on protection from coastal hazards due to erosion and inundation. By strategically choosing adaptation alternatives, communities and agencies can work to protect people and property while also protecting or restoring dwindling critical habitat and the full suite of benefits those habitats provide to people.