Ion Composition and Energization in the Earth’s Inner Magnetosphere and the Effects on Ring Current Buildup

Tuesday, 16 December 2014: 8:00 AM
Kunihiro Keika, STEL, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, Lynn M Kistler, University of New Hampshire Main Campus, Durham, NH, United States and Pontus C. Brandt, Johns Hopkins Univ/APL, Laurel, MD, United States
In-situ observations and modeling work have confirmed that singly-charged oxygen ions, O+, which are of Earth’s ionospheric origin, are heated/accelerated up to >100 keV in the magnetosphere. The energetic O+ population makes a significant contribution to the plasma pressure in the Earth’s inner magnetosphere during magnetic storms, although under quiet conditions H+ dominates the plasma pressure. The pressure enhancements, which we term energization, are caused by adiabatic heating through earthward transport of source population in the plasma sheet, local acceleration in the inner magnetosphere and near-Earth plasma sheet, and enhanced ion supply from the topside ionosphere.

The key issues regarding stronger O+ energization than H+ are non-adiabatic local acceleration, responsible for increase in O+ temperature, and more significant O+ supply than H+, responsible for increase in O+ density. Although several acceleration mechanisms and O+ supply processes have been proposed, it remains an open question what mechanism(s)/process(es) play the dominant role in stronger O+ energization.

In this paper we summarize important spacecraft observations including those from Van Allen Probes, introduces the proposed mechanisms/processes that generate O+-rich energetic plasma population, and outlines possible scenarios of O+ pressure abundance in the Earth’s inner magnetosphere.