Realistic Simulations of the Scattering Properties of Ice Particles with Shapes Retrieved from 2-D Images

Wednesday, 17 December 2014
Guanglang Xu, Ping Yang, Sarah D Brooks and Lei Bi, Texas A & M University, College Station, TX, United States
The scattering properties of ice crystals are important for estimating the contributions of ice cloud to the Earth’s radiative balance. However, accurate scattering parameters of these properties are elusive for two reasons. First, ice crystal shapes are complex and sophisticated scattering methods are required. Secondly, ice crystals themselves melt prior to being imaged. Here, we present a new strategy for obtaining the scattering properties of ice crystals. First, ice replicator technique is used to form plastic replicates of ice crystals produced in the laboratory. Second, 2-D Microscope images of the replicates are collected and 3-D ice crystal shapes are generated by a specialized photogrammetry method. Finally, the full scattering matrices of the crystals are simulated by an invariant imbedding T-matrix method (II-TM). Results will be reported and atmospheric implications discussed.