Geomagnetically conjugate observations of ionospheric and thermospheric variations accompanied with a midnight brightness wave at low latitudes

Tuesday, 16 December 2014
Daisuke Fukushima, Nagoya University, Nagoya, Japan, Kazuo Shiokawa, Nagoya University, Solar terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Nagoya, Japan, Yuichi Otsuka, Nagoya Univ, Nagoya, Japan, Minoru Kubota, Natl Inst Info & Commctn Tech, Tokyo, Japan, Tatsuhiro Yokoyama, National Institute of Information and Communications Technolog, Koganei, Japan, Michi Nishioka, NICT National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Tokyo, Japan, Siramas Komonjinda, Chiang Mai University, Chiangmai, Thailand and Clara Y Yatini, Indonesian National Institute of Aeronautics and Space, Bandung, Indonesia
A midnight brightness wave (MBW) is the phenomenon that the OI (630-nm) airglow enhancement propagates poleward once at local midnight. In this study, we first conducted geomagnetically conjugate observations of 630nm airglow for an MBW at conjugate stations. An airglow enhancement which is considered to be an MBW was observed in the 630-nm airglow images at Kototabang, Indonesia (geomagnetic latitude (MLAT): 10.0S) at around local midnight from 1540 to 1730 UT (from 2240 to 2430 LT) on 7 February 2011. This MBW was propagating south-southwestward, which is geomagnetically poleward, with a velocity of 290 m/s. However, similar wave was not observed in the 630-nm airglow images at Chiang Mai, Thailand (MLAT: 8.9N), which is close to being conjugate point of Kototabang. This result indicates that the MBW does not have geomagnetic conjugacy. We simultaneously observed thermospheric neutral winds observed by a co-located Fabry-Perot interferometer at Kototabang. The observed meridional winds turned from northward (geomagnetically equatorward) to southward (geomagnetically poleward) just before the MBW was observed. The bottomside ionospheric heights observed by ionosondes rapidly decreased at Kototabang and slightly increased at Chiang Mai simultaneously with the MBW passage. In the presentation, we discuss the MBW generation by the observed poleward neutral winds at Kototabang, and the cause of the coinciding small height increase at Chiang Mai by the polarization electric field inside the observed MBW at Kototabang.