A Bayesian and Physics-Based Ground Motion Parameters Map Generation System 

Friday, 19 December 2014: 11:17 AM
Leonardo Ramirez-Guzman, Arturo Quiroz, Hector Sandoval, Citlali Perez-Yanez, Ana Laura Ruiz, Rosario Delgado, Marco A Macias and Leonardo Alcántara, Institute of Engineering-UNAM, Mexico, Mexico
We present the Ground Motion Parameters Map Generation (GMPMG) system developed by the Institute of Engineering at the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM). The system delivers estimates of information associated with the social impact of earthquakes, engineering ground motion parameters (gmp), and macroseismic intensity maps. The gmp calculated are peak ground acceleration and velocity (pga and pgv) and response spectral acceleration (SA). The GMPMG relies on real-time data received from strong ground motion stations belonging to UNAM's networks throughout Mexico. Data are gathered via satellite and internet service providers, and managed with the data acquisition software Earthworm.

The system is self-contained and can perform all calculations required for estimating gmp and intensity maps due to earthquakes, automatically or manually. An initial data processing, by baseline correcting and removing records containing glitches or low signal-to-noise ratio, is performed. The system then assigns a hypocentral location using first arrivals and a simplified 3D model, followed by a moment tensor inversion, which is performed using a pre-calculated Receiver Green's Tensors (RGT) database for a realistic 3D model of Mexico. A backup system to compute epicentral location and magnitude is in place. A Bayesian Kriging is employed to combine recorded values with grids of computed gmp. The latter are obtained by using appropriate ground motion prediction equations (for pgv, pga and SA with T=0.3, 0.5, 1 and 1.5 s ) and numerical simulations performed in real time, using the aforementioned RGT database (for SA with T=2, 2.5 and 3 s). Estimated intensity maps are then computed using SA(T=2S) to Modified Mercalli Intensity correlations derived for central Mexico. The maps are made available to the institutions in charge of the disaster prevention systems.

In order to analyze the accuracy of the maps, we compare them against observations not considered in the computations, and present some examples of recent earthquakes. We conclude that the system provides information with a fair goodness-of-fit against observations.

This project is partially supported by DGAPA-PAPIIT (UNAM) project TB100313-RR170313.